my birthday. it was on 22nd March. and I just realised I haven't had a single photo of it and the little celebrations at all yet. so here's some verbal recount. :)
i think it's only polite to thank people when they do nice things for you, so here goes.
The weekend just before my birthday (which fell on a monday) was half-spent in gloom as I fretted over if I should attend a work gathering, but everything brightened up from then. The work gathering was really much more fun than I had expected, and I shouldn't have to worry about it at all. As I rushed back to the west to meet the girls, I KNEW they were definitely up to something and they kept ignoring my calls! It turned out that they had planted a mister zhang in my house as my present (i don't think they paid for him though hahaha). The mister also cooked pasta (awww..) for us. :)
and then it was off to Mac-cafe (okay no idea how to spell this) for an apple pie and coffee (not for me). It was sooo crowded with everyone glued to the little television telecasting the big match between liverpool and man united. At home, I was getting ready to sleep and having just stepped out of the toilet with freshly-brushed teeth and there was the boy and qiao! with my cake, and candles all lit up! Awwwwww. :) The silly girl had driven to my house all alone at midnight, just to wish me happy birthday! -hugs!!!!
The boy stayed over and had to wake up at the hellish time of 7am, to fetch me to work! hahha, birthday girl privileges!
The next day at work, I didn't expect anyone to know it's my birthday but I received a few emails and many well wishes! :) And this uber sweet lady from work, bought me a cake and had candles and made me make wishes, the works! AWWWW. thank you serene, if you're reading this somehow! You can eat all of my kerepok! hahaha.
And of course the rush of birthday wishes on facebook. Thanks guys, you know who you are. :)
I can't wait to meet the girls! Ros, Mab don't pull another surprise on me this Sunday hor! And babuuuuuu, hurry hurry back! :)
Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:01 AM.