i still miss Australia.
can you see the writing on the sky, in the clouds. it says, "marry me, Leel (sth sth)".
and i miss being able to have lunch on public transportation. here, we can't even eat sweets! :(
mountains in the far distance.
australians suntan anywhere.
the boys stuffed autumn leaves in my hood.
strike ahead.
my cousin's coming back this december, bet he would miss it lots too!
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 4:27 PM.
feels really weird to have just woken up, when everyone else is going to sleep (1 am).
this whole sheng ling nu hai thing is really taking over the globe eh, seeing how everyone photowhores, and whores pretty photos found all over the net on their blogs..
i read two blogs, where both had been in a long term relationship, but broken up. (not 2 parts of a couple) and it scared me. imagining how it would feel without the boy in my life, to have that huge gaping hole in my life. what would i do, who would i hang out with? i should really have a healthier social life eh. (btw everything's going great though. :))
The PPF is not flitting around my Etsy shop at all, sigh. That's Etsy lingo for Paypal Fairy, who reportedly brings sales to your store haha. Etsy people are so cute.
Maybe I should find something on Etsy to feature here.
here you go. Picture from
ohhellofriend, item at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29575937.
i feel like having breakfast. though it's 1am. :( i want french toast suddenly!
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:11 AM.