Today, i developed a phobia for MRT doors.
It was pretty damn dumb, how it happened.
Okay, so it all started when I plugged in my earphones, listening to those two FM93.3 DJs bickering away. Then I got down from the bus at Clementi MRT, and had the urge to get some reading material for the long ride to Tampines. And so I stopped at the newstand (first time ever in my undergraduate life may I add) and deliberated between 8days and i-weekly. Then armed with the latter, I went up the escalator, happily unaware of my horrid fate ahead. :(
Nearing the MRT, I glanced at the board which shows the times of the arriving and departing trains. It showed a train arriving in 1 minute, and another in 3. I was stuck behind a whole line of people on the escalator, and I could hear the first train noisily pulling in at the platform. As I marched ahead with the mass of people onto the platform, I saw the train doors already open and waiting. As I stepped towards the train, still absorbed in the music from my earphones, the train doors started to close. And at this point, I don't know what came over me, (I have a strong hunch it's the music that made me forget my surroundings, or something like that) but I continued forging ahead and walked even more briskly.
By the time I was a nose away from the door, there was only a tiny gap available for me to squeeze through.
ohgod, i think my brain was screaming profanities at my legs at this point. like "OHMYGOD STOP MOVING, WHY ARE YOU TWO STILL CROSSING THE GAP. MY GOD IT'S HUMAN AGAINST METAL!!"
And I got through, feeling my arms and legs getting slightly scratched (thank god for the rubber lining at the doors). AND MY STUPIDLY LONG BAG GOT STUCK.
And i think at this point, everybody in the cabin must be staring at me. (But I wouldnt know cause I was too afraid and paiseh to look anywhere else, but be horrified at my bag trapped between the doors. I know my brain did a brief replay of a foggy memory of me snickering at some guy who used his newspapers to lodge the train doors once.)
I probably said something audible like shit, but can you believe it, my earphones were still plugged into my ears.
Then my hands snapped to work, and I tugged frantically at my bag, feeling something snap at my fingernails. And then the train doors opened, (now the whole train probably knows some idiot got trapped at the doors, delaying the train. :( ) and a MRT officer came forward to nudge the bag forward too. I almost thought she was going to pull me out of the train and scold me for the dangerous behavior.
The doors soon closed (some lucky aunty jumped in during this interval) and I was left in the cabin with my STUPID LONG BAG and a very very paiseh conscience. I didn't pull off the earphones at all, hopefully blocking out any snickering (deja vu?) behind my back. And I firmly stood with my back to the rest of the cabin, almost kissing the train door already.
I felt this nagging pain on my finger, and I took a quick look. OH GOD, the top part of the nail had completely been flipped up, tearing apart the skin beneath. I pressed the nail back down, and soon, there was some blood visible under the nail.
Maybe it was the mixture of immense stress and shock of bleeding, but my ears started to ring. And my vision got foggy and I felt extremely detached from reality. I knew that feeling. I was about to faint, like how I did just after I tried to donate blood. I was even contemplating what would happen if my knees just buckled and I fainted in the cabin. Wondered if anyone would come to my help. Wondered why I chose to wear a skirt that day.
And then I decided to shake the giddiness off, and I managed to stand hanging shakily to the grippole for about thirty minutes before I got a seat. (people in that cabin must hate me. First I kiasu-ly jumped into the train and caused a delay, now I've taken the Priority Seat) I was breaking out in cold sweat by then.
When I finally got to see the boy at Tenah Merah, I started half-sobbing, half-relating whatever happened to me.
Now I'm wondering if I can't ever bleed from my hands, cause it seems that the two times it happened, I faint/almost faint.
And seriously, in the movie that we caught after that, there was a scene whereby the actress barely squeezed through the lift doors, and there was definitely a visible shudder from me.
Okay lar, damn drama mama.
OH and i forgot to add, that part about the magazine was that the irony was that I didn't even have a chance to take the i-weekly out. What with being busy trying to stop myself from fainting and fighting with train doors and all. -weak smile.
Now I have to try to bathe without wetting my finger. :(
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:17 AM.
I'll be surprised if any one is still reading this.
-hugs and kisses my blog. okay not possible in online realm. TECHNOLOGY. tsk.
I've been procrastinating about uploading the photos, but I know I definitely have to! Cause this is to show the world how lovely my friends are, when they planned for my birthday. :)
Not in chronological order.My birthday dinner! At Jumbo with chilli crab and lotsa mantous. and a very cute man. (almost typed boy, but backspaced. haha.)
Don't kill me for this picture dear, i know it isn't your best but you look so adorable trying to entice me with mantous! hahha. You can always get your own blog and take revenge by posting bad photos of me too. HEE.

we hopped to a nightclub with flashing lights halfway through dinner.

HUGE crab claw!! finders keepers. haha k i'm not that mean lar, there were TWO lar.

My friends - in the form of presents. Didn't take any photos with the human forms! haha.
My friends are all darn creative.
My bestie qiao! I can totally feel the love with those pretty colourful styrofoam flowers you cut out!

That's her idea of a joke. Or was it a genuine mistake?? Now i'll never know. Hmph.

how spontaneous and how exciting la!! This is double dating at its greatest! :)
My lovely MRDJ girls.
My friends have gotten into the habit of blowing everything up. Look at that angbao, compared with the normal sized one. It is almost half as tall as me. But very creative lar darlings. :)

So cute hor, the milk plushie! Though I realise they keep getting me milk-related items (milkbottle for my 21st, milk plushie for 22nd). HMMM. do i look very cow-ey to youuuuu?? Don't answer. hahaa.

The theme was cheenapok.

hahha. MEI BAO IS DAMN HILARIOUS. why you never full mabelllllll.

And they even created this fake sugar daddy and printed out a humongous credit card.

love you too. -GROUP HUG!

My daddy and mummy, I love you! YAYYYY.
And the one who isn't a friend (okay NOT just a friend) gave me FRIENDS! :D:D:D:D
Hello I'm a hardcore fan okay. I've always wondered how come I don't really have favourites. Like favourite singer etc. And then I realise, the ONE favourite thing i have is a favourite drama serial!
FRIENDS in unison. C'mon PEOPLE. okay I'm rambling cause I'm talking to the one who gave me the gift at the same time on the phone.

Season 3 is missing cause it's in my dvd player. HEH.

The pink card with nothing else written, but I can feel da love dear! :) (i am definitely repeating myself here) That tealight surprise was really lovely, and thank you qiao and alex for helping out. You guys even took off shoes, bless your souls. HEEHEE.

can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:39 AM.