Saturday, January 24, 2009
The day I took that longggggg train journey from school to the boy's place, just to walk a dog. :)
Nicky! Such a beautiful GR. :)
The boy loves his dogs. :) (okay for the last time, this is not HIS dog. that sentence is like err a meteophor. or something. shit can't even spell. haha)

Oh, and the
littleclayshop has been keeping me mighty busy! :) Quite a lot of administrative matters, so this is what it feels like to run a business. HEE.
There's been downs and ups. OH, I can't get over the tingly feeling I get everytime someone praises my works, or if they express interest in purchasing something. Such a shiok feeling!! haha. Downs are usually due to prices (sighh, well at least now I've got a price range system going, hopefully things will get better), or like yesterday when the near-finished clay figurine I was working on totally dropped inside this bowl of water. GOSH, I almost died. Had to recreate the entire head as the colours started running. SIGHHH.
But the ups greatly outweighs the downs la hur. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 2:57 PM.
Hi all! :)
I've set up a new blog ( specially for all clay-related matters, to make things more organized here. If you're an interested customer or would just like to see how I've been doing with my little clay business (ahem! haha), do pop over to that blog k! :)
The link will be provided at the side, underneath the column which says 'may they stay dear'.
I will still be using this blog for my personal musings and bitching haha. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:42 AM.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Truly flattered with the orders that streamed in after the last blog entry! :)
And so, I realised I was short of so many things, and I went on a solo shopping spree entirely for clay materials and accessories.
For those of you who have been asking what could the clay pieces be used for, here it is.
The 8 items (shown in photo below) could be attached to the clay piece - Small magnet, Big magnet, Spring (which can be placed on the dashboard of your car), Key-chain, Hook earrings, Stick Earrings, Handphone strap, Breastpin/Badge.

Here is a close-up of the hook earrings (on the left), and stick earrings (on the right). Usually the hook earrings will be used for clay pieces which are more 3D and more bulky. The stick earrings will be used for flatter and smaller pieces.

I also picked up some Swarovski gems, and they're all so precious and gorgeous! They can be attached to the clay piece, to give the piece a touch of dazzle. :)

The gems are made of Swarovski crystals, and are made in Austria and imported from Japan.

There are 2 different categories of prices for this collection of gems.
Firstly, this group of gems cost 50cents each.

These are all the colours and sizes of the gems.

To make it clearer which gem you are choosing, please follow this chart. For the top row, first gem from the left (blue-green), it will be labelled as 1A. The second gem from the left on the top row (pink) will be labelled as 1B, and respectively for the rest of the gems. The first gem from the left on the second row (big blue) will be labelled as 2A, the second gem from the left on the second row (small blue) will be labelled as 2B. The same goes for the last row.
The second collection of gems (photos below) shows the 5 gems which cost $2 each. The 2 smaller pink gems are placed in the photo just to show the relative sizes of the gems, and they belong to the first collection (50cents each).

To indicate which one you want (for the $2 gems), gems in the first photo will be labelled as A (the thinner gem on the most left), and B for the other two gems (these two are actually the exact same size and color).
For gems in the second photo, do indicate them as silver-ringed or gold-ringed.
Alright, this is all for now. Happy shopping, and do email me with any queries! :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:11 PM.
Greetings from my earlobe.
heehee. That's an owl earring that my grandmother gave me, cute hur!
Everytime I leave my grandparents' house, my conscience nags. like when will I be back there to visit them again, will I EVER go there on my own accord, am I doing all I can in reciprocation of all the love they've showered on me? (for the last, it's sadly a firm no.) such heavy guilt of a lousy granddaughter. :(
My CNY dress!
Camera angles deceive your eyes.
Speaking of that, I suffered the brunt of a mean attack that I never saw coming. Totally spoilt the day for me, thanks a lot. (Just one incident like this makes me see you in an entirely different light)
Oh, and Valentine's Day is coming.
Well, I kinda made all of these on a whim, but I feel they're very made for V-day. haha.
You know how everyone's getting flowers and the prices are hiked up so much it's outrageous? And you walk down that street proudly waving your precious bouquet, and before you can say happy-valentine's, three more girls have walked past you with uncannily similar bouquets. Personally I'll much rather spend the cash on something that's one of a kind, and that I can truly customise to my liking. Well, here's a proposition -
fully customisable clay accessories!
~frequently asked questions~
Well, these clay pieces are pretty, but what can I do with them?All of these clay pieces you see above, can be made into necklace/bracelet charms, or earrings, or keychains/handphone chains. Bigger clay pieces could be made into fancy magnets or paper clips.
So, what other designs are there?I'll be more than happy to work on YOUR ideas, and customise something for you. Like having me write a name/message on the cake, or making human figurines instead, or your girlfriend's favourite item, etc etc. Anything can be worked out. :)
Items that I've produced are - cupcakes, cakes, human figurines, bears, flowers, biscuits, mini replicas of food items like Mcdonalds' Fillet Burger, Oreos etc.
Hmm, but will the clay be damaged after time? The clay I use is korean-produced jumping clay, and like the name suggests, they really bounce even if you accidentally drop them, and they won't scratch or shatter, and colour remain vibrant and unchanged forever. Also, they're awesomely light, which makes it ideal for necklace/bracelet charms, earrings/magnets/paperclips. AND, this clay is sweetly scented, which is a huge plus.
Right. Now the all-important issue, what are the prices like?Prices are not fixed, as it depends on the amount of clay used and detail of piece.
But for a cupcake charm (height: 1.5cm, width: 1.5cm) seen in the first photo, it'll be $2.
The wedding cake (height: 3.5cm, width: 2.5cm) will be $5, because it's a lot more detailed and requires more clay, time and effort. :)
These prices are for solely the clay pieces, and does not include accessories such as necklaces/earrings/bracelets (I could quote you a price if you'll like one to accompany the clay piece). There will be no additional charges for magnets and paper clips.
Rest assured, I will quote you a price after mutual agreement on the final design, and you can decide if you want to go ahead with the deal. :)
How long do I have to wait before I can collect my item?Usually, from the day the design is finalised to the day of collection, it will be from 1 day to no longer than 1 week.
However, for extremely large ( above 5cm in height/width)/extremely detailed items or orders of multiple items, I will inform you about the time I would require to complete the order/s, and you can decide whether to go through with the deal.
However, I will specially process all orders for Valentine's Day first before all other orders.
The tagboard is so darn small! Other forms of contacts please!Do email me at, and I'll reply to all requests or questions in 3 days latest! :) Also, you could scroll through my entries for photos of my other clay pieces!
When do I pay, and how will I receive my purchase?There are a number of ways we can do this.
A. Pay through account transfer and I will deliver your order to an address by post. (though this is not advisable as the piece could be damaged with the rough n tumble)
This will be subject to postal charges, which will be added on to the total cost.
Or we can meet-up, and we'll do the good ol' fashioned money-for-product way. I'll hand over the item and you'll pay only if you're satisfied with the finished product. :)
B. Meet up at an MRT station - only west(EW27-EW21)/central(EW15-EW11). For stations besides west/central, purchase will have to be above $10, or a transportation cost of $1 will have to be added to the final cost.
C. Meet up at National University of Singapore.
D. Alternatively, do inform me of the possible locations of collection and I will try my best to compromise.
~end of faq~
Of course, this can be for any other occasion besides V-day, or even if you just really want to own a totally quirky item you can totally call your own! So feel free to contact me for purchases or queries after 14th February. :)
As I said, anything can be worked out, and don't fret. I'm totally okay even if you decide not to purchase anything in the end.
Promise. :)
Oh, and finally, for even more valentine day's gift ideas (fancy recording your own song/message for your love interest? :)), visit
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:23 PM.
I've just finished watching this movie on HBOFamily, (i get this immense satisfaction knowing that i'm making full use of scv, haha. it's like how i feel when i clock in 4 MRT trips on my concession pass, why am i like that.) and it's really interesting.
I know the poster's kinda lame, and the title makes it sound like a really cliche movie, but it's unexpectedly not. It really leaves you pondering about this whole age-old issue of being fat, and how people treat/view fatness, or why there's discrimination against fat people (i learnt in sociology that most people stereotype fat people as lazy people hmmm). I've been so caught up in me, me, me recently, I really needed something like this to keep me grounded.
And it kept me entertained through-out, which I can't say for most movies I've watched lately.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:33 PM.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
OH MY! finally a new template for the new year! shit lar, fooled around with this template till now, its 4am! And i wanted to make myself sleep early! darn.
Oh but anyway, now that the tagboard is more visible, do tag! :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 3:52 AM.
A long hiatus hur. But it's been a while since I had such lovely plans for almost every single day, and it's really awesome to go to bed looking forward to the next day. (in contrast with, just spending everyday without plans and letting the day seep into night, and night into day..)
So, photos from the boy's surprise party! Actually there aren't many photos of the actual party, cause I was so busy ordering and re-ordering macdonalds (low budget party, paisehhh) to whip out my camera. PLUS, i bluffed the boy i left my camera's memory card at home, so I couldnt use take photos even before the party. So we only started clicking away AFTER the party.

This is the day BEFORE the party, where me and my dear qiao went bersek baking cookies and cake. I really appreciate all the compliments received about the cake and cookies! Qiao qiao, we can open our little bakery already!! (one of my dreams actually) hahah.

here, my pretty santa's helper, sent on the eve of xmas eve! :)

the incredibly fluffy cookie dough, with creamy peanut butter and hershey's choc chips and painstakingly whipped butter!

and here are the pictures I printed using my own printer (i'm really impressed with the quality of the prints) of golden retrievers, for the GR 2009 Calendar for the boy!

This was on the way to meet Kiatying and his friends at Orchard. It was Christmas eve, and the whole of Singapore was in town to countdown. We were stuck in the bus which moved say, an inch a half hour. The jam was SO bad. Oh, and check out our matching shirts. haha. Though his was like super ex, and mine was totally cheap stuff. Explains why my fabric felt like cardboard.

A few days after his birthday, we went to catch our very first 3D film, Bolt! Which wasn't nice. Both of us almost dozed off, the entire 3D effects made everything a whole lot darker, and the glasses kept slipping off. and it wasn't very obviously 3D, but more like only noticeable if you intentionally looked out for the differences.
I hardly wear nice shoes. (okay i think it's nice lar, haha bhb) This was hardly worn ever though I bought them a few years back. Di says I should bite my shoes.

Pretty soon, it was New Year's Eve, 31st December 2008. My babu's TWENTY-FIRST birthday. :)
We nyonya taitais had an unplanned nyonya tea session. haha.
Then it was pool session, i really like playing pool at di's! Especially cause we keep laughing and you can totally hear the laughter echoing around the entire room.
Then it was up to the room and presented the birthday girl with a tiny birthday cake! She was probably thinking like, "what, that's all the surprise you got for me? :( " She had no clue that a BIG surprise was still awaiting. We all mumbled about family appointments and quickly taxi-ed down to St Regis hotel.
And that is the beautifully-decorated St Regis room, with gold and silver balloons floating around, and many silver platters of really yummy food sitting around.

The toilet, where the asstwelve gang hung out at for about an hour. That is a TELEVISION k, strategically placed right in front of the bathtub for you to bathe and watch tv. I think my skin will become wrinkled prunes if I bathe there.

the asstwelve gang. it's so comfortable and such a joy to hang out with them. :)
I won't be forgetting our pseudo-clubbing experience with seehoo as rotating lights for some time. heh hehh.

And a very random end to the picture-diarrhoea. I'm such a sucker for prints. That colourful hearts design is my new tote for school (from bugis village, my gosh I'm ONLY shopping there next time. Prices are awesomely low.) And the storybook-like drawing is my new dress from BV too. It was my retail therapy day.

OH. wait, there's still the wedding of ros's sister and the boyfriend.
Ros's sister is SO chio. (and after I said that, ros said everyone says they look alike. VERY BLATANTLY DISGUISED SELF-PROMOTION hahah)

Everybody loves little kids decked out in little formal suits and dresses running down the aisle.

This was really a tear-jerker sight. Watching the sister walk down the aisle with the dad hand in hand, while he beamed proudly and waved to family and friends. Seriously, I think ill weep so badly at my own wedding (cause too touched by myself, wth hahah) that I'll have to postpone it at the last minute. like walk halfway down the aisle then go-astern out the door. haha.

Pretty wedding-gifts.

Thank you ros, the pretty girl decked out korean-style, for inviting us to the wedding! The food and everything was really great. :)

Oh wow.
That's a lot of major events I've been to this few days.
Sigh, kinda down now that I don't have anything much to look forward to from now till school starts. The next big thing is like the start of school lar, wth wanna puke. haha. Had been meeting up quite often with asstwelve and mab,ros,di that it feels like jc days again, and university is like this distant thing that never really happened. except it did.
Di's in hongkong now, I know I'm really going to miss her around when she's back in london. :(
Four's better than three.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 7:12 PM.