Sunday, September 28, 2008
I'm missing this certain girl who's in london and there's been no emails or blog entries from her so far!
I'm refering only to the tiny sachet on the box, the rest were for mab. :)

I made these for babu on the spur of the moment when I was idly playing with clay and I suddenly thought of making oreo + milkjug earrings. A little farewell gift before she returns to us in december!

BY THE WAY, my mind is flooded with thoughts of clay and I'm constantly going crazy thinking of ideas for tiny charms for my new daiso pencilcase, for my handphone, for my friends. sheeshhhh. All this passion for clay, and not even a tiny percent of it put aside for studies.
Fever stole 4 out of 7 days of recess week from me, and that's a depressing thought when I know I have two modules worth of revision to begin now that I'm healthy again. Two mid terms in the week beginning tomorrow, sighhh. Nothing is looking good.
On the day the fever curse finally left my illness-ridden body, the boy gave me a telephone call that night, and he said a lot that made sense, but which I didn't want to hear. But now that its been days since that night, its starting to make a lot of sense to me, and I'm starting to accept this new enlightenment, this new attitude towards our relationship.
The boy's right, he said that our relationship should be a complement to our lives, and not one that's eating up both our lives (which it sadly, has.)
I have got to be me again. No longer littlemissattached, but me in its entirety.
Today marks the first day we're NOT seeing each other for two days in a row since 25.8.07. This is a start.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 3:08 PM.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I'm sick of my wordy entries.
When I was still healthy, and me and the boy combed the entire Arabstreet area for a restaurant which was already long gone. damn. Well, we found another Egyptian eatery to dine at though. But I'm seriously not a big fan of their food.
Yesterday, I braved it all to go for project meeting PLUS meet ros and mab for dinner. We even allocated time for the missing diana to talk!! hahah, babu are you reading this?? Seriously because we ran out of topics (that's what happens when you know people for too long) and ros kept feigning fainting spells, so we started to say things like, "Oh, now diana's talking. Ahhh. Yep yepp. True true." Hahaha. Di you have to save us! hahah.
The lovely two then held my hands in theirs (we didn't care about people staring at us. anyway mabel said the people around us were weirder. hahah.) to give me some much-needed warmth on the train.
The fever saga is NOT over. damnit.
And coz I'm too tired/disappointed to blog about it. Here's an excerpt from a mail I sent Mab.
"MAB!! i only just saw ur email today. and you know what, after I got home yesterday, my fever got full-blown again. and the temperature was at 39.4 lar, even higher than before. :( So my mom rushed me to go see doc, then ive started taking meds and all. And yesterday night was horrible too. Halfway in the night, I started to shiver uncontrollably, even though I wasn't exactly cold, and i took my temperature in the dark, but it was like 37 sth, so nt very high. But then my teeth was chattering and my whole body was shaking. And so I put on my jacket and kept shivering in my blanket even thou i switched off my fan. and then i felt my fever shot up and my temperature too. super shitty i tell you. then i kept alternating between sweating and shivering. arghh. i pray that its not dengue man. Apparently, i have to look out for red spots on my body coz thats a telltale sign of dengue. SIGH. "
I didn't say so in the mail, but the boy took cab to surprise me at home again. :) That darling. And yep, weiye, don't worry, he ain't going to compete for anybody anymore. muahahha. -evil laughter. hee.
I'm such a crybaby nowadays, I cry like mad when I see dear at the door, I cry when I see my temperature shooting up every night, I cry when I think that I might have dengue and that maybe I'll die, and that's what I never knew what to do in my life (because there wasn't really a 'rest of my life' anymore.) And then the boy will chatise me everytime I get to the last part. (and start hitting himself to prove his point. :( )
Mummy has been an absolute darling too, with the constant checking on me through out the night, and when she rushed with me to the doc's yesterday night, and reminding me to take my meds. And today morning, she even found time to cook porridge with minced pork (so at least it wasn't plain porridge) for me before work.
Now that the boy has taken over some of her duties, I wonder if she feels jealous or relieved. haha. Okay I'll be petrified if she tags on the board. hahah.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:38 AM.
Monday, September 22, 2008
I was wrapped up in my blanket in front of the telly, feeling miserable for myself. My thermometer's battery was flat, so I couldn't even know how high a fever I was at. I channel-surfed half-heartedly, my hand almost reluctant to get out of the cocoon I had made for myself to reach the remote. I was cold down to my toes, although the fan was off, and there was hardly any breeze and Singapore's weather was in the crazy 30 degrees.
Then the phone rang, and there was my boy's familiar voice. "dear, how you feeling?" I ranted on how shitty I felt for a while, then I felt hopeful for a while and asked where he was. "Darling I'm still at the carshow lor. At the toilet now."
Bummer. He was still at the carshow all the way over in farfaraway Expo, with his friends. They were probably ogling scantily-clad leggy models prancing around the cars. After putting down the phone, I let that thought dwell in me as I looked in the mirror at my pathetic reflection wearing baggy home-clothes.
I was awfully close to tears.
Channel-surfed for another ten more minutes.
And then, the doorbell rang.
Rushed to the door, praying like hell that my parents weren't at the door, and I saw the silly boy crouching down in an attempt to hide from the keyhole's view. :))))
I then cried a bucketful of happy tears.
(My fever hit a whooping high of 39.1 deg celsius yesterday night, but it seems to have subsided to a low of 37.3deg celsius today. And I dreamt of losing $8000 plus dollars the last night, and yesterday night I dreamt of finding $8000 plus dollars on the ground. What's with my money-minded dreams! sheeshh. Oh, and I'm hoping to be able to make it for project meeting and dinner with mab.ros later today. and I wanna see the boy too! Fever fever go away please.)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:21 AM.
Friday, September 19, 2008
there are days when you have so much negative energy inside you, and you still have to plaster on a smile outside, and then you're feeling so much anger inwards that you think you're going to explode?
well, today was one of those days.
but at the end of it all, love emerges victorious (HOORAY) , and nothing like a few sweet nothings and plenty of sincere apologies to clear up the air.
all's good.
And tomorrow. Shhh. the boy doesn't know it yet, but we'll be seeking our own little egyptian adventure tomorrow. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:37 AM.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's really rare that I post two entries in a row. But I just wanna rant.
Hmm. I feel like my puberty has come late. very late. You know, along with the other biological changes to your growing body that puberty brings, there's the perpetually confused state of mind that people are in puberty are supposed to have. The 'what am I going to do when I grow up?', 'what am i going to do for the rest of my life?' state.
And THAT. is exactly what I'm going through.
Maybe it's the model answer that our tutor emailed around, which made me feel like a pile of bogies being flicked to the ground and stomped around in, when I compared it to our answer. It didn't help that it was a friend's answer. That was probably the spark that ignited this burning chain of emotions, making me feel, really quite worthless.
I wouldn't bore you with the details, but it's along the line of not having gone for interships, or exchange programmes, or even working hard enough to get to honours year even. I can't even remember what I did in the advertising stint before I entered university, though it's always been something I comforted myself with when I see people going off on interships and all the exciting hoobas. (dunno lar, anyhow come up with a word) Okay, intership isn't exciting maybe. But it sure is useful next time, no?
I can't even see myself entering the media industry next time, be it in advertising, PR, journalism etc etc. Its just too damn demoralising. This horrid realisation that I'm going to graduate in another semester. And I have no idea what is going to happen to me. I don't even have any graduation trip so that I can procrastinate first! Oh gosh.
Maybe I should stop whining. Well, if anything good is to come out of this super negative post, at least anyone feeling the same way out there, see, you've got company! And anyone else who doesn't, good for you then. You've got people like me letting you step on my back to climb up the social ladder, or whatever shit. BLEAHHH.
Sheesh, and I said no details. Paiseh ar.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:41 AM.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I am ashamed.
okay well, slightly ashamed.
In two days, I'll be sitting for my first midterm paper in this semester, and I've only read 11 pages so far! And i'm not kidding! HOWWWW. okay, you're probably screaming at me to get off the computer and continue studying, but you know how it is. When you're asked to study, you do all other sorts of stuffs, BUT study. Seriously, throughout today, which was supposed to be my CHIONG day because the dear couldn't hang out with me and so I had a whole day to myself, I woke up at noon, went to bathe, kept walking around the house, ate potato chips, walked around somemore, made garlic bread for me and brother, watched telly, walked around somemore, made mom cook dinner, surfed online, and here i am. Somewhere in there I read 11 pages, but that's really nothing significant to shout about. :(
I'm not even really sure how many chapters I have to read, but I know that it's probably half of the book, and the book is FREAKING THICK AND HEAVY. It must have been a telephone book in its past life. oh gosh so sorry, not funny.
I'm contemplating if I should head to Macdonalds for some serious cramming in a while. I guess it'll help if I'm alone and plugged into my headphones and surrounded by nothing but loud teens and fries. (I think i just had my first i'm-not-a-teen-anymore moment.)
oh by the way, my short hair is hard to manage!! Okay, to give the left side some credit, the RIGHT side of my hair isn't staying in its style. :( But I've always had problems with the right side, which I'm really perplexed by! Cause I have centre parting, so its like I'm giving both sides equal treatment, so what's with this attitude the right side is giving me HUR HUR HURR. hahah, oh gosh. I'm mad.
You know what. I'm going Macs. Now.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 7:41 PM.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Oh gosh. I can't believe I haven't blogged about my First Anniversary. This being my first (and last) relationship, I can only celebrate a First Anniversary once in my life! So it's definitely a big deal. :)
When the relationship was still budding, and at two months, me and the boy escaped to Pulau Ubin for a quick two hours just cause I've never been there before. (plus the boat ticket was only two dollars) And so, being the avid travellers we are (haha, i make us sound cool, but we've mainly covered only Southeast Asia only. BOO.) , this all-important anniversary is just the right opportunity for a holiday getaway in Ubin!
It started drizzling after a while, and so our clothes got quite damp, but NOT our moods! (ok darn corny) It wasn't time to board the ferry yet, so off we went to seek shelter.
In the arcade. The boy was not amused when his character in Metal Slug died only after a few rounds. TEEHEEHEE.
Finally, the ferry arrives! And guess what, there's only two of us, and the boatman and his assistant on board the 50 something seater ferry. What a waste of fuel.
The only restaurant (well kinda) in the area was just a few steps outside of our chalet room, and it looked rather picturesque with all the dim yellow lighting and brick/wooden exterior.
Either the staff(it was weird that it was an Eurasian teenager serving us!) was just being lazy or they have a different custom in Ubin, but the Iced Milo we ordered actually came hot! with its very own cup of ice, for us to pour into.
(oh gosh, I'm using emoticons either than smiley/sad faces!)
The anniversary night we spent there was awfully cozy, with snuggly blankets and takeaway box of hot and FAT fries (from the restaurant too, there is NO other eatery anyway. haha.) in hand, we munched and watched Olympics on the small telly screen in bed.
We got a bit bonkers, because we had a few hours to spare before the ferry came at noon to take us back to the city. And we decided to rent bikes and head to the village and Chek Jawa!
So butt-aches here we come!
Really cute wall advertisement.
(See, you don't need fancy graphics and a hugeass budget to attract people's attention)
Our lunch at the village! The kampong chicken was recommended, but it wasn't too nice. (and it wasn't too cheap) and there was too much of it. bleahh.
Wild Boar Alert! We saw an entire family! from boar-lets (???) to mom and dad!
And then it was up on the Tower that I discovered my camera spare battery was missing.
:( Eighty dollars it costs, as we found out at the shops a few days later.
Bahhhh. :( So my smile diminished quite a bit, and I got quite sore about it.
Who has got spare camera battery(model no. NP-FD1) and has no use for it,
here's someone willing to claim it! HEE.
bleahhh, fat hope hur.
Further into Chek Jawa.
The boy managed to cheer me up and even get me doing some morning exercises. :)
After cycling back to the jetty, the very tired two of us searched our bags and pockets for the battery that was not to be found. :(
And so explains the glum faces as I started to get sore again. DARN.

And then the ferry came and took us away from Ubin. Which was very nice, except for that lost. But on hindsight, it was a seriously relac-one-corner place. Plus it was freaking cheap can.
There was some August Promotion for Passioncard (SEE, aunty card also got use) and the rooms which usually went at $90 a night for a twin room, was only at....
That's FIVE dollars a head!
Random. I accidentally stole two Angelwands from the library. But I shared the guilt (and the crime) with Christine by giving her one. hahah. But so pretty right.
And look at what darling gave me.

A mug, designed with much love and talent and skills,
together with a plush golden retriever (not in picture).
I really adore them, especially the mug! It's right beside me now, filled with water full of goodness, and I'm feeling the bliss. :)
365 days.
we'll work together wont we.
to make the number multiply by itself over and over again. :)
iloveyou, my boy.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 3:10 AM.
Monday, September 08, 2008
after FIVE long years.
I cut it all off! SNIP SNIP SNIP.

the hairdresser at far east plaza was good! Could tell he was rather skilled, plus tattoos all over his arm too! (ok not exactly linked)
Anyway, washing my hair when I got home was a totally liberating experience. Plus it kinda brought me all the way back to my secondary school days, when I was forced to have short hair. I've gone a full circle just to return to being one of those short-hair girls again! haha. (shit haircuts actually make me high. quite loser hur. hahha.) My hair was so easy to shampoo, no more piling up of heaps of hair onto head and scrubbing shampoo into them. And it took about like half an hour to dry! (whereas I usually had to stay up for at least two hours before it dried completely in my long-hair days, hahah what am i talking about, it was just yesterday!) I feel like a boy! HEEHEE.
But I've got to start changing a lot of my habits now. Like, I cant wrap my hair in a towel now anymore, and I don't have to squeeze water out from my long mane anymore. Plus my towel is no longer soaking wet after bathing. And combing takes really short now, with a very significant reduction in time spent on untangling split ends! HOORAY.
okay I know I sound like ultra positive about the hair. But right now that it has dried, it's not so uber nice anymore. :( DAMN. I wished it stayed like it did after the hairdresser blow-dried my hair. I think blow-drying really styles one's hair, but its damn troublesome and noisy! arghhh.
Alright, enough of the hair already. Earlier in the day, we celebrated mab's twenty-first! :)
I'm always very happy when all four of us get to meet up. Its becoming a rare event nowa-years, what with all four of us in different universities, and different countries. (okay only di. hee.) :(
Absence makes the heart fonder though, righttt girls? :)
Shadn't say happy birthday yet, cause it's still way too early. 10.09.87. This is the easiest birthdate to remember! heh hehh. Miss Mabel Ng Li Ling, don't work too hard at the Industrial Attachment place and REMEMBER we love you loads k. -group hug.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:11 AM.