There are a few categories photos can be grouped.
1. Self-indulgent ones (those you hold the camera slightly tilting downwards in hopes of enlarging those peepers and reducing the prominence of your nostrils)
2. Group photos
3. Couple photos
4. Crazy photos (those that are super random but really fun to look back on),
5. and ever since the advent of digital cameras, the
Blogging photos.
This last group refers to those you snap at already imagining them to be uploaded with captions already worded, and they rarely make it to the photo developing shops. So you've got photos of food, random scenery, few hundreds of snapshots of the same pose, same people just for fun, in this category.
And this is really what this blog entry is for. So that I can upload the said category of photos, before banishing them into forgotten folders in my hard disk drives.
My biaodi's birthday dinner at Sakura Restaurant.
Kbox-ing with nehnehs.
Arts Orientation Week Camp.
Thai Express with babu and lumpy.
homebaked reese peanut butter cups. surprise for the boy as i slogged in the kitchen and he slept like a baby. haha. no more paying exhorbitant prices, TAKE THAT candy empire! hah.
the boy's treat in return for the peanut butter cups. SUPERDOG! -lifts one hand and shoots into the air.
cheap and yummy lunch at vivo foodcourt. This deep-fried flour roll (don't even know if that's right) packs satisfying crunch and flavor, wash it down with a gulp of soyabean milk and go YUMMM.
goofing around in a huge dressing room.

I've always thought snowflakes are really pretty. No wonder the boy fears that I'm turning into xiaxue, with my growing love for pink and now this. hahah.
Uploading photos is tiring, all that realigning, choosing and waiting. I still have a stockfull of photos from the recent trip down to Science Centre, and Facebook failed on me while I was trying to upload them into an album. Bah. Another time then.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:16 AM.
back from Oweek camp.
regrettably, it was the first time i've been to either arts/oweek camp. there's always that nagging thought of whatwouldhavebeen if i had been less scaredycat and actually registered for them in my first year. but well well, i've been at 3 newmedia camps, and forged lots of friendships in them. so that's comforting at least.
Ending up in Oweek camp was due to a weird turn of events, crashing as a councillor in Sherlock House (champion house sia. :)) and then went over to Oweek-committee as a Logistics member because of various reasons.
Logistics. The time spent there was tough honestly, there were many more moments when i felt frustrated, pissed and out of place moments than happy. In the committee, there were programmers, various heads, and finally logistics. And the latter group (latter-est?hmm.) is kinda neglected, and almost always only sought for when someone needs to move some chairs, to pack some ropes, to fill some waterballoons. Fair enough, other members do say their thanks and all, but it's always well, not enough. You just feel that slight tinge of being underappreciated.
But seriously, I know that the people in O-committee are friendly and generally nice, on an individual basis. I guess it's just human instinct to forget about making newcomers feel welcome, when you're having fun as a group. I think I'll probably act the same way too, in their shoes.
Oh well, I may not have had such a great time at the camp, but at least I know so much more about what logistics is about, and to appreciate them more, and how things work in committees when planning large-scale events (700 plus people). And I think I've developed a few muscles (ok I'm exaggerating) from hefting stacks of tables, chairs and whatnot, up and down stairs.
And the finale was really tear-rendering! Okay, it's the songs lar. The lights were dimmed, and everyone starts linking arms and swaying in harmony from side to side. Any awkwardness or animosity is temporarily forgotten as everyone belts out the lyrics on the projector screen. Even my throat was tight from trying to sing without crying, even though I didn't know the people in Ocomm very well.
All in all, no regrets. Really.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:16 PM.