one year later, and it's already my THIRD newmedia camp. THIRD sia. hehh.
so anyway, camp was good, although this time because me and the boy were in charge of planning the games for the first day, it wasn't entirely relaxing and fun.
PLUS, there was some old-problem-plus-miscommunication issues that day. So had a very dramamama ending to it, with the heavy rain (that stopped as soon as we made up. serious.) and uncontrollable sobbing that had to be contained because strangers and new friends were around. I actually got a neckache from stifling those cries.
Me and the boy (the boy and I, whatever) met about a year ago, at the same camp. har. and we still often have that convo where he goes, "you know you must thank daph, coz she was the one who pulled me into the camp. if not, we wouldnt be together and dunno what i'll be doing now.." and I'll go, "yarr. and you must thank mabel cause she was the one who encouraged me to go for the camp, if not you wouldn't get to know me etc etc." Then we'll start imagining where we will individually be, blah blah..
The butterfly effect. heh, thankfully it worked out just fine in this case. :)
(drats, my head is starting to pound. DAMN. must be the 4am bedtime yesterday, editing the camp video. Editing is truly under-rated, it requires so much more time and effort than the simplicity of the word suggests really. It should be called, err well, anything more than 3 syllables.)
This entry needs some pictures.
Last Friday (okay it was just yesterday) was me and the boy's last month-sary! Next month, it'll be our ANNI-versary. :) (and we agreed not to celebrate monthsaries after the first year, only anniversaries. sighh)

whoops, I meant pancakes, not waffles.

I'm darn proud of my pancakes! made from scratch okay! dear actually thought I merely microwaved store-bought pancakes, nahh. I mixed the butter and sugar, separated egg whites from yolks, scooped them into hot pans, and cooked them till they were golden brown. ALL BY MYSELF ALRIGHT. not so bad for a monthsary present righhttt. :)

showing me that his mouth's empty and he ate it all up! :) GOODBOY.

in return, I get milo made by the boy, the traditional way! :)

dear's patio. very nice view lar hor.

yep, I'm very happy with my milo.

this was a steal from Diva shop.
Earlier in the day, we got around to going Ericsson Pet Farm, since we had the car. And one of the store assistants there turned out to be the boy's primary school friend! So we were allowed to pet and hug the many dogs in there. There were cats and kittens too, but they just snarled and gave me THE eye. haha. The golden retriever puppy was SOOO adorable. But now I know there's such a thing as puppy coat, so that wonderful-feeling fur on the doggy sheds to a rougher adult coat after a while. :(
And then, it was off to Ikea Tampines to have dinner!
dear treated me, in return for not getting me any presents while I slogged over pancakes. haha, that explains the many trays of food! YUMMY.
random ikea poster of a gloomy dog.
the boy loves welding his $1.80 magnetic bar. hahah.
my storeroom. also known as ikea's warehouse.
the ice-cream didn't taste or look like vanilla, more caramel-y. good and cheap stuff.
borrowed dear's laptop to work on the video that night. Warmed my heart to see his start-up screen. :)
alrighhhhttt, need to go sleep off the headache. it better be GONE by tomorrow, because it's fondue and wii day, together with friends! sounds fun already larrr, anything involving chocolate always sounds fun. hehhh. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:15 AM.
Just that day, I had jumping-clay itch (yep its true, there are some days when its just too darn hard to ignore those tubs of colourful clay calling for me to play with them. haha.)
and so i made 4 eggs, which evolved into 4 human heads.

which evolved into a mommy, daddy, brother and sister! that's MY family! :)
and they all have magnets stuck on them, so they are now proudly standing on my fridge. :)

and just a few days back, i made something totally useless. a mcdonalds ice-cream cone. it's like only the size of my thumbnail. i remember i was trying to find something to do while the boy was snoozing at my place.
anyway, THE ICE CREAM'S PRICE HAS RISEN TO 60CENTS. OH and you know, sakae sushi's sushi are now going at $2.30 per plate! that's crazyyy lar! boycotting that place.

and in the wee hours of the tenth month of being us, dear and I yawned our way to Galleria, took a bus to Malaysia and finally a ferry to Tioman!!

the boy bluffed me he was CERTAINLY not going to get me anything for this anniversary, but hah! that's my first perk-me-up of the day for the long bus-ride ahead! lovely lovely billabong leather flats I've been eyeing for the longest time. I'll go into the retail shop, find the flats, try on different pairs until I get my size (which is the same everytime but I just like to pretend it's my first time trying), and moan at the price, and shuffle my way out of the store. thankyouthankyouthankyouiloveyou! :)
the obligatory tiptoe-so-the figurines-match shot we have to take everytime we wear our couple tee out. this was at the ferry terminal, HALFWAY to tioman!

snacking is a must for long journeys. eating is such fun. and look at the PowerRing! imitation SuperRing! Actually we never know if this is the authentic one, just that SuperRing made it bigger. HMM. and Kueh Piring, those colourful childhood biscuit discs we just love to crunch down on and let little wisps of biscuits float around.

Paya Beach Resort on Tioman! The facilities are pretty reasonable for the price we paid, except that our toilet flush spoilt on the second day and the entire island kept getting power cuts.

the boy with his straw hat.

me and justin on the floating bed at some aquatic snorkelling centre.

glorious sunset.

using self-timer isn't easy man.

joshua and his kite. we kept laughing at his earnest attempts to fly the kite. it was soaring when we returned from our fishing trip on the third day!! but alas, the wind was so strong, the string broke and the kite just flew to high above the heavens. hmmm, wonder where it'll land hur.
oh, and talking about kites, me and the boy watched Kiterunner that day. pretty artsy show, with better-than-average depictions of the struggles the protagonist. It made me significantly less averse towards kite-flying as the whole activity seemed less dumb. (like how I always thought kite-flyers looked while running like mad and throwing the reluctant kite in the air)

By the jetty, where the entire group chilled with beer and tidbits.
i was getting confused with all the different beer names, "ay you wanna get heineken, edinberg, hoegarden etc etc. ?" Took a sip from the boy's bottle, and didn't like the strange taste. I'll rather drink milo or bandung over alcohol anyday.

everyday view for the locals there, for us city-dwellers, it's quite magical.

snorkelling gear.

the boy was all bronze after the snorkelling trips, out at sea and at the aquatic centre. snorkelling is really quite an amazing experience. You feel that sense of awe while you let the ocean tide guide your directions, and just drift freely. your head ducked with snorkeling mask in place, and all you hear is your heavy breathing through the tube, and the colourful landscape unrolling underneath you. corals, fishes in every size and shape. The odd fish swallowing eggs they have just produced and transporting them to a safe nest. The slight tinge of worry that I might really encounter a shark or some large fish, that would have freaked me out. In the open sea, there is really no form of protection, no glass walls like in Underwater World, no large nets to keep them at bay. Just you, and that thin film of swimwear.

the boy at the best part of the hotel breakfast provided for us every morning - the omelette station. You pick and spoon out desired portions of desired items (cheese bits, onion cubes, ham, tomatoes etc) into a small bowl, and the chef prepares the customised omelette for you. That was the only saving grace of the entire meal, the rest sucked. The buzzing houseflies didn't help too.

i haven't seen a fruit fall from any tree EVER before.

it was the end of our tenth month, the monthsary (i just learnt this word from daph! :)) spent at lovely tioman with just me and you, while the rest of the group arrived only the next day. perfect planning i say. :)

cats and kittens were running amok on that island.

It's almost an unwritten rule that when you get to Malaysia, you HAVE to have a Ramly burger.

we were heading for the ferry home. :(
(and a couple of hours later, we realised that our passports are still left at the hotel counter. sheeshhh, super blur lar hur.)


still very much in love, thank you very much.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:37 PM.