the mewing of the cat is still ringing clear in the quiet night.
seriously, I've been deceived for more than a few times, when I've checked out where the mewing is coming from, expecting to see a tiny kitten huddled frightened and looking for its mommy. But, more often than not, it's an adult cat in a rather unthreatening situation. Or maybe it's just in its teens, not that I would be able to differentiate between a 30 year old and a 18 year old.
Whoops, digressed.
These few days, me and the boy have been experiencing recurring bouts of cold wars and quarrels which seem to lead nowhere. And it seems like it all boils down to me, and money issues. I knew there was a ring of truth in the moniker my cousin used to call me "Ah Lui (love money in Hokkien)".
And so, we've decided to steer clear of topics like jobs and casino losings etc etc. That seemed to have done the trick, the happy couple seems to be re-surfacing again. :) Albeit a little sick though, since I'm still recovering from the cough the fever left me with, and he's starting to develop symptoms I had. choy ga lei!
We both knew that getting a job would make me feel better about that state of being income-less, and so I got around to that.
and from next week onwards, I'll be one of those cafe girls at Coffee Club! (and hopefully me and qiao will get lunch breaks together) Trying to psych myself up, for it. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 2:14 AM.
back from genting.
I was down with fever, sore throat, and lost my voice soon after. I endured the smelly smoke in the casino for hours, just to end up a few hundreds poorer. Woe is me.
but thankfully the boy was there throughout to take care of me. I was about the worst travel companion ever, with my incessant sneezes and elephant-trumpet sounding nose-blowing.
Thank you for checking on my fever every now and then throughout the night, for always giving me the window seat (because you know i get car-sick too easily, or because you know i love to stare out the window and report any unusual sightings like cows on pastures (really! but they're beef to your eyes, you hungry boy.) i really don't know. but no matter what.) , for enduring the embarrassment my nose-blowing induces, for covering my nose and mouth when a lit cigarette is near, for attending to my whining and teh-ing, for being my voice (to stall aunties at food courts) when my voice faltered to a bare whisper.
Kaya balls from the first pit stop. The cheesy ones I had once along some streetside hawker in M'sia were yummier though, or maybe being sick just brings down the taste a few notches.
I was already lethargic and shivering as the fever attacked, here (on the bus to Genting), but photos really don't show.
waiting in the
check-in place as we arrived at the ungodly hour of 3am and this was after losing my first 700 ringgit at the casino. I remember the fever really kicked in this one hour.

my boy commented that I
blew my nose more than I talked. which was sadly, true.
after the one hour winding and nausea-inducing bus ride down to Kuala Lumpur, we made for Times Square, and made the smartest choice to eat at Shabu Shabu. We selected so many dishes for our steamboat lunch, and the price wasn't more than $20 sing.
the egg I was carefully cooking for dear.
he asked for a
fake-smile pose.
On board the
KL monorail, where we could see the driver at the front. This photo was taken by the boy, after I chickened out, cause I was afraid the driver would kick me out.
Oldtown in KL, opened by Mark Lee. at least, dear says so.
what's an order chit la, at least
order shit makes sense.
I could reach out and touch the
indoor rollercoaster, it was that close to the glass walls.
My last meal in Genting, and I think this will be how my meals would look like, judging by my health condition now. plagued by bacteria, damn.
my boy and his psp. Gave him something to do, when his girlfriend was too busy hacking away.
The First World Hotel we stayed in, is behind us. I'm clinging on like a
Mo Fa Ko, which braced my weak stomach throughout the trips down and up the mountain.

And now, I've got no voice, not even raspy.
My msn nick is, "how can my thoughts sound so loud in my head, when my voice is all but a whisper."
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 2:22 PM.
OH yeah, and have I mentioned. the exams are done and over with! So a little backtracking here, to that happy thursday the dreaded papers ended.
We wanted total liberation from anything related to books, notes, scholarly etc. And so, we headed down to where words were replaced with grunts and howls, and stacks of textbooks were replaced with trees, trees and more trees! :)
Night Safari! with dear, ele, and sidney!
seriously, it is hard to resist that colourful Ben & Jerry's icecream palour, especially when you're in that bubbly, fall-down-also-will-laugh, after-exam mood.

the daunting bridge that didn't turn out to be scary at all.
the 45-min long tram ride. after it, we were all talking with that heavy drawl in the guide's voice. "anddd to the lefffttttt, youuu wiilll seee an elephhaantt." amusingly dramatic.
there was this particular location which looked so outta place on the tram ride. We were all trying to capture it on film, but enabling flash or adjusting exposure didn't work.
It was like a scene out of some National Geographic channel. A majestic lake with its clear waters mirroring the distant mountains and the moon that hung high above the safari. It was an awesome, breath-taking sight, particularly in the mysterious aura that night brought with it.
me and elly!
Couldn't get up close and personal with the real ones. So beggars can't be choosers eh. :)
the show might be full, but we safari troopers sure aint!
And so, after being chased out of the safari by zookeepers (haha, I bet we were the last few still in there taking our time, while it ticked closer to closing time, plus a storm was brewing), it was supper time!
teehee. i like this pose. brilliant suggestion elly! :)

can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:00 AM. Imbruglia - Torn.
Nope, nothing devastating happened. Well, unless you count on some news of bad grades, but I'm trying to look past that and stop being sore about it.
It's just that I was reading xiaxue's blog, and she wrote about the recent case of this father who raped his daughter and fathered his own grandchildren. And then the song came onto the radio.
And somehow, in the dead of the night, with the cold aircon on, the song and the article just seemed to match. Like I could imagine the daughter feeling exactly this way. I'm counting my blessings, and I wished there was something that could be done for people in such sorry plights. But it just seems impossible to reach out to any.
So many horrible, sad things happening in the world. :(
and I was actually feeling working myself up into a foul mood because of that minor issue about grades. Life has been good to me really, so work that smile girl. :) -beams.
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:31 AM.
I'm going to muster all my courage,
all my courage, to enter the examination hall and attempt to write three essays without learning or remembering much of any of the SEA-related things thrown at me. what phallic symbolism, what colonialist impacts. I'm going to write the essays with good old common sense, while squeezing any bit of academic information I remember from the cramming session I had when the boy came over yesterday.
the boy just went and donated his blood, and signed up for bone marrow donation. which means that if any requests for bone marrow matches his, then he'll be called up to go for the operation for them to extract his bone marrow! i know it's all for a good cause and everything, but merely the thought of him on that operating bed, anaestheticized (walao, dunno how to spell) and unconscious just pains me.
but still, I respect his decision.
crossing my fingers in hopes of gathering a decent number of people to troop down to Night Safari on Thursday night, the eighth day of the fifth month, the first day of LIBERATION. :)
Me and shiqin both agreed that there is nothing more satisfying than hearing the head invigilator say 'Time's up' and the teachers start bustling and going about their business collecting papers, while you beam widely around, looking at the final paper in front of you that might be gone (as in failed) for all you care since you can't do anything about it anymore anyway.
okay FOUR more days. lucky shiqin's ending with philosophy TOMORROW. phoooooeyyyy. heh.
i haven't been studying much, but i'm just really reallyyyy restless. and a restless me isn't going to settle down easy and read my notes.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 5:44 PM.