and so, I got one year older, for the twenty-first time on 22nd March 2008. And the very next day, (you gave it awayyyy, whoops xmas song earworm! okayy never mind if you don't understand.), anyway the very next day on 23rd, friends, good friends, best friends, boyfriend (no plural form here, please note! :)), family, pets, stray cats all gathered at Aloha Changi chalet for the happy occasion! :)
happy shalala.
one of the many(okay four, haha) rides me and dear went for in Genting! this particular one, helped air my feet! hahha.
anyone can be a good photographer, with macro function.
my birthday 'cake'! dear was howling in the hotel toilet, so I rushed there to see what had happened. turned out it was all an act. there were three lit candles stuck around the digi photoframe, with a very pleased as punch boy holding the box. :)
On my birth-day itself, I arrived with dear at Aloha Changi straight after the long bus-trip back from Genting, and already I was expecting an ambush. hahha, all because dear kept getting calls on his phone, and my daddy let out a very loud "SHHHH, aiwei is here!" when I approached the unusually silent and dark chalet.
And there they were, when I opened the front door (okay actually dear opened the door first, so my family was actually singing happy birthday to him at first, but I was pushed to the front quickly. heh). My mom holding the lit Emi durian cake that dear ordered in to the chalet (and he was the one who suggested that my family surprise me! love.) and my entire family on my mom's side clapping and singing Happy Birthday. The only light source was from the three candles on the cake, and as my mom slowly approached me with the cake, the amber light fell on many of my family members' faces - my cousins, dad, aunts, uncles, brother. They were all there, singing with smiles stretched so widely. It would have been quite touching if I hadn't been so tickled by how my dad really ruined the surprise element. :)
very durian, very rich, very heavenly. -hugs my dear for the cake, and Mab and Ros for the slice of durian cake and durian roll! kudos for remembering I really wanted a durian cake!! :)

and I had a lovely time that night, with only me and my family - totally my comfort zone really. barbequeing, watching the birthday video (THANKS YOU GUYS. AND DEAR. :)), scary yet hilarious hike to Old Changi Hospital, supper with dessert and bapoks, totally laugh-till-cannot-stop wacky games with cousins etc etc.
And 23rd came, together with the partyyyyyy for all lovely people!! -winks. :)
oh my so cheesyy. (my mom, together with my aunts, innovatively cut out all those letters from magazines lying around the chalet, because we forgot to buy material! nicee.)
three/fourG class!! you guys had the strongest attendance there!! :) Really really touched that most of you came. LOVE. (P.S. I need to find out which camera took those photos with my 04S12, and NUS friends! HMM. paiseh guys, your photos will be up as soon as I find them!)
and I wish that I was in shorts and oversized shirt, and not in the restricting self-sewn Hula&co dress.
I think I was trying to shoot christine. haha.
hahaha, those air guns filled with confetti were pretty amusing.
OKAY, now there's a whole series of group photos, with most of you in them. So sift through them, for your face! :)
my family.
(both sides! I wonder if any of them has seen anyone before from the other side. It's weird.) STILL, I really adore each and everyone of my them, my blood-relations. haha.

my friends. my lovely lovelyyyy lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy boys and girls. :)

my boy. the one who made me cry (touched-until-cry) and laugh lots during the entire birthday weekend. :) ilu.

i know i haven't said anything about presents at all!! and that's because my digi cam is still spoilt (it got spoilt the night I returned from Genting. how suayyy.) and so I still can't take any photos of the presents, and I really want to. So they're all sitting pretty and pretty much placed back in their packaging in a corner of my room, awaiting for Photo-day. So sorrryyy to keep you all waiting, just pop into the blog once in a while k? because I dunno when I'll be able to repair my digi cam too. but trust me, i WILL. (either that, or I'll get a new one.)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:32 AM.
brings a smile to my face just to imagine a mini-sized him, eagerly awaiting for a bottle of yakult after his haircut everytime. because as his mom had promised.
"jian tou fa, he yakult!" (read in chinese hanyu pinyin)
alas, couldn't relive those memories for him as yakults were no longer sold separately in Cold Storage,
and promises are no longer that simple to keep.ANYWAY. march is such a hectic month, with the whole barrage of assignments, project deadlines, tests crashing down on us. SIGHH. it's my birthday month la!!
hmmm. shall try to curb my sighing. have been doing a lot of that nowadays, while thinking about how i couldn't get my desired durian cake for the birthday chalet, how much i spent on my stupid scalp, how much work i had left to do..
BUT, happy events are awaiting!! TWO MORE DAYS. and i'll be shuttling off to chilly genting! and then it'll be the birthday chalet, lots of mahjong, bbq,
and just lots of loving from friends and family. :) nothing beats that.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:16 PM.
remember the jerberra (i still can't spell it) you bought me, and that surprise you and your brother sprang on both me and wenli at heathrow airport? it all seems so really long ago, that they ought to be fuzzy blurry memories by now. but surprisingly, I still can remember in vivid detail, that bizzare toilet outside Eiffel Tower, the little breakfast treats you got me while I waited for you to come back from the laundry room, the loonnnggg email you sent me with full instructions on how to get through customs.i miss you too babuseng. :(
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:38 PM.
http://thingsthatmakemegofuck.blogspot.comI'm reading this wonderfully written, with clever interjections of wit and colourful descriptions that allow you to totally delve into her world, diary by her. She, who is a writer, an independent woman, and what really got me reading so many (20+) entries in a row, a girlfriend.
She's got no photos, none i see so far, on the blog, but really, the words more than make up for it.
I see the similarities, and there are entries that spark off memories I had with my boy. The one where she talked about how she planned a surprise for the boyfriend. And I remember (with much guilt) about the many times the boy has appeared on my doorstep, and I'm always armed with an excuse ("oh, i was tired/busy/kinda saw this coming.") to defend my less-than-surprised reactions. And it tugs at my heartstrings, to see the light going out of his eyes unmistakably, as all that he had imagined did not happen.
The one which she cried and cried as her pilot of a boyfriend jetted all around the world, leaving her behind with her insecurities. And I'm reminded of the many cold wars I've started, and when we think back on why I started getting sullen and cold, it's always because I felt insecure. I'm thankful that you're ever so forgiving, relentlessly cooing and persuading me to break out of from my moods. But there was that big fight just that day, the one which we both went to bed angry and disheartened. It was then I know that all these must be taking a toll on you, all my childish episodes, the incessant crying, the stubborn pout on my lips.
I've lost track of the number of times my girlfriends talk about their boyfriends, and I just have to go, "oh my gosh!! he does that tooo!!". Every love story has their own endings.
but really, it's all not that different, is it?
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:24 PM.