yarr i know it's been eons since i've been to paris. but still, there seems to be an endless stream of photographs to share! :)
the crowds didn't disperse, even though a slight drizzle had begun.
the wind was bloody chilly!
Someone mowed out a hugeass heart shape in the field!
eiffel tower, with the lights being lit.
oh, there is such a story behind this picture. WAHHAHHA. -winks at di.
they cracked me up.
visiting andri's favourite hangout. the fried chicken take-away! haha.
cathedral, pretty lights and stained glass in every colour of the spectrum.
common sight in europe. all kinds of dogs, and tramps.
wad giant macarons you have, paris! :)
Berthillon, we had to go to it because it was stated to be famous for its Gelato in the Paris tourist guidebook. (yar suckers i know we are.)
the long stretch of vendors selling second-hand book and oil paintings.
ALERT: gigi's spotted in paris!! awwww, di misses her doggy.
paris is filled with more vandalism and grit than one can imagine.
malcolm couldn't stand waiting for us girls while we shop in quiksilver, and promptly fell asleep on the sidewalk. haha.
you get this at EVERY meal you eat in paris.
one of the many museums in paris, and the beautiful ceilings adorned with paintings of stories.
on the train back to london from paris. tension cant be captured in photos hur, di.
i cant believe i searched high and low for these gems in london, only to see them again in cold storage singapore. sighh.
watching a lightning spell somewhere far away now, in the comforts of my room and hearing no thunderous booms at all. there's just something about a silent lightning spell, which you know you don't have to be pluggin your fingers into your ears everytime you see flashes. damn i hate it when i miss them, like i'll be staring at the clear (but dark) sky for some time, and then taking my eyes off it to type or whatever, and then ill catch this flicker of golden light from the corner of my eye. by the time my eyes flit back to that piece of sky, it's all pitch black again.
oh, and we'll go watch stars together okay? to overcome your phobia. :)

all of the above was written like wayyyy long ago, but anyway, im currently recovering from a bad case of fever. SUCKSSS. actually i'm not recovering yet, i think it's still running its course, but at least i've been to the doc just now.
sorry to be such a burden to you for the past two days, twas really sweet of you to wait till i sleep before you left. (although you might have just been too enraptured by the television show outside. :)) anyways, simply, thanks dear. :)
and someone special's special dayyy is arriving!! :D :D :D can't believe we've been pushed back till like 3 days after the day itself. :( advanced booking it is next time. :)
seriously, i've been burning up for the past two days, and i can actually feel the intense heat of my breath. damn the fever. it's so damn contradicing, i feel darn cold on the inside, but i know my limbs and forehead are totally ablaze. plus there's a constant ache in my hands and legs, which makes me just want to die everytime i have to move. my mom even suspected dengue fever, seeing how news have been reporting that bt batok is the hottest spot now for those dreaded aedes mosquitoes. but thankfully, the doc said that a sore throat was rare in dengue fever, and since i've got one, that should rule dengue out. i've lost my appetite for everything thankfully, since i cant really eat anything anyway. my tonsils are swollen like balloons, and even saliva is a torture to swallow.
someone save meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. -screams.