listening to jiazhuang by jolin tsai, in the dead of night, is making me really pensive.
it's making me wonder, if there's someone in the condomonium across, which i can almost look into, feeling the same way i do now.
making me feel like bawl my eyes out till morning, just cause i feel like it.
making me try to recall the colours that would have coloured the sepia photo me and di took, so long ago in the library.
making me remember all those people who crossed paths with me somehow once, that i saw in Plaza Singapura today. and making me wonder why there were so many that I couldn't feel comfortable with saying hi to, and then knowing straight after the answer to that.
making me think about a few hours earlier, me in the train, and all the mr gorgeous around today, and wondering if they know it.
it's not like i'm listening to the lyrics, but just the melody alone, it sounds so sad already.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:36 AM.
i am sick.
as in, crazy sick.
i walked with newly bought slippers, from jurong east mrt station, to imm, to my grandparents' place, back home. all because i didn't want to let my steaming peanut-butter waffle go cold. and i would have to do that, if i was going to take the mrt or bus. spontaneity bites again.
i was really regretting it thirty minutes into the walk, when i started to look like a siaocharbor with my shopping bags hitting me with every step i took, and my uncomfy shirt i reserved for interviews, and feeling the blisters grow on my soles. thank god it was night, and i took all the dingy roads with no street lights. which was VERY dangerous really. was really lucky to have reached home unscathed.
oh, and the interview went good today. i'm a would-be basket collector!!
THAT is one job title i'm not going to be including in my resume, ever.
OH, and good news about the UK-trip, because i will very likely have a travelling companion now! never mind i havent talked to her before, and out of two times i saw her, she was crying on one. haha, okay that's messing things up. i just hope she wouldnt be thinking i'm some snob when i plug in my earphones and get in some Friends time on the plane. and di suggested if we wanna 'go down to Paris' when i'm over there. shit, how cool is that!! i've always wanted to hear that phrase being said to me/say that phrase. hahah. i should really squeeze in more money-grabbing work before i fly off!
my legs hurt. owww.
i am finally going to see mab and ros tomorrow. FINALLY, been ages lar girls. :)) -beams. and di's been msging me from UK about flight stuff!! aww girl, those costs!! :)

i'm feeling flyyyyyy.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:20 PM.
all that booing and hissing have finally got me blogging. plus hoarding up all the photos ain't that fun anymore.

no more of that, exams are OVER. :) (btw, i can't do without my trusty pink lil dict. forging ahead, towards a fuller vocabulary!)
mabel t, fuzzy and me headed to fish&co glasshouse for celebratory dinnerrr!! all that calamari and shelled prawns, managed to take my mind off that HORRID last paper. i am really crossing my fingers and hoping my CAP doesn't fall below three. uh uh.
took us like a million shots, and for mabel t. to put to use her angle-estimation skills before we managed to have both us, and LOVE in the shot. :) the trick, was to have no flash. ahh no matter, we've got all the time in the world now!! it's the end of a university year frikking shit! WAHAHA.
and so, i set to building this wooden merry-go-round. good fun! but painting it is a bit of a chore, now only the top panels are teal.
and then helped mommy fold a lot a lot of stars, a thousand and more in fact. all in the name of charity for the community centre.
been dabbing in paints and canvas these few days. anyone's got turpentine to spare? can't get that acrylic varnish off, arghh.
anyway, i like the initial black and white version of the shoes than the coloured one. :( it'll require a lot of paints (which means money) and time and effort to reverse the process though. so i'm just leaving them at that.

inspired by this in the magazine. some season of adidas.

yiqiao got me the thin MAC pencilcase! according to her, it's to makeup for my birthday presents from her. but there was really no need larrr girl!! but i still like the posh black MAC, so no taking it back! hee. have fun in shanghai, missing youuuuuuu! anyway, the IT interviewer tested me on hard drives yesterday can you believe it? but darn, i wasn't able to use any of the knowledge you passed on to me, coz i didn't hear the question. :(
i've got your choc fudge di! anyway, peanut buttercup wasn't that great a choice, it's starting to taste like playdoh. bleaughh.
there was an accident in bt batok nature reserve just that day, a woman died lar. and my mom recognises her, from our jogs. sighh. and today some reporters interviewed us too, and snapped some photos! i looked a wreck!! damn, hope they don't post them up. my mom was even trying to act all famous, and going "no noo! please don't take any photos!" with the hand up and all. sheesh.
it's my parents' anniversary today! pity they aint the sweet-dovey type, would like to see what they'll get for each other. but at least we're going out for dinner later! yar, me and brother included. and brother skipped school today, cause his tooth fell into the sink chute. hahaha. felt like a dream when they woke me up at 6am to tell me that.
the london trip is almost confirmed,
(HOORAYYYYYY) with my parents giving me the go sign, all that's left is booking the air tickets, getting that pay-per-roam package, and PACKING. which will be a horrible chore i think, since i'll be going for at least fifteen days. i don't have fifteen outfits to bring!! shopping will be good, but i'm running out of shopping partners with qiao in shanghai, mab at work, ros with her birthday celebrations (hahah), di in UK, etc etc. and i'm guessing more people must be landing their jobs as may draws to a close. hmmm.
alright, ENDING this lengthy post. oh btw, it hit me at the hairdressers yesterday, why we've got to have that cape wrapped all around us as they cut our hair. cause i was at the place where they only charge $5 per haircut since it's by students under training, and they've got the training place right behind us where some trainees were holding all those fake heads and snipping away at their hair. (it's quite eerie really.) anyway, the relevation was that it was to make us look like them!, the fake heads! cause the cape would cover our necks and the rest of us, so that we'll be like those heads, with only well, a head! sorry to have made you read through all that. haha.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:13 AM.