nature's early birthday present for me. the
night before 22nd. always been fascinated by animals. and this little baby bird's parents have been chirping non-stop near our window sill that day, the 21st. the whole family's got bright yellow bellies. CUTE HOR! anyway, i could press my face real close up to the glass window because it was tinted so that the bird couldn't look in. and the baby didn't flinch, just cocked its head abit. looked so furry and squeezable in my palm. muahahah.
22nd March 07. MorningMy dad hung his angbao, with the usual heartwarming wellwishes on the empty underwear rack. WAHHA. i totally missed it though, eyes were half-closed while on the toilet bowl and brushing my teeth. must have subconsciously thought my mom has gotten herself a heck of a red underwear.

22nd March 07. Noon
Got my first birthday gift from someone i totally didnt expect at all! Karen! Only got to know her this semester, but she was sweet enough to get me earrings (cause she knows i stare at them for a long time at school bazaars. SHO SWEET.) and a card along with it, after she found out from Friendster we share the same birthday! Pretty glad we spent our birthdays together yar, watching Mr Bean and his antics.
oh, and doris gave me a sweet, and praises. :) wanted to sms her thanks, but didn't have her number. :(
22nd March 07. Night
My mummy and brother shared in getting me a real diamond pendant, with silver chain. you can hardly see the diamonds, but they're real! haha. my brother paid $1. HM.
and the tallest cake ever. But not nice, don't try. at least, i like cakes with more moisture.

The day after 22nd. After class
Ros and Mab were waiting at AS7 for me (my two hunks hur, shiqin.) with a lit birthday cake in front of, well a lot of orchids. hahah. but nice surprise guys! :D and i really appreciate the effort coming all the way down to clementi and finding your way to my classroom on campus. -hugs.
After that, it was to ECP! for cycling plans which never took place (lazyyy us. haha), but the sumptuous chilli crab feast did! and we even felt rich enough to order fried youtiao stuffed with sotong paste (which was real yummyyyy.)
At first, the skies were still pretty clear and we were all feeling like 'in paradise', as ros puts it. good food, good company, good scenery. ahhh.
but the rain HAD to happen. BAH.
STILL, had a frolicking good time with you two darlings. :) THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, REALLY. ilua (i love you all. and you too di, missed u)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:40 PM.
i haven't been this sick for a long time. my fingers are now the fastest-moving part of me. in the midst of evolving into an oversized sloth.
thermometer's beside me, reads 37.4 degrees celsius. now, that's lower than i imagined/would like it to be. my brain must be kinda fried.
i would have liked a weekend filled with doing nothing academic at all.
which is what happened this weekend.
BUT, i definitely didn't mean spending it all languidly, trying to rest but trying not to fall asleep because i know i'll wake up feeling like shit, and rushing to the toilet every 3 minutes to cough out phlegm, and crawling to the tissue-box every minute to blow out all those never-ending mucus. i'm extracting so much, i should be lighter.
and now, i just feel kinda scared somehow. (its the society getting to me) that i haven't done anything academic. never mind that it's kinda been going on for weeks. OKAY, ever since semester two started really. but at least, last week i had project deadlines and frightful nightmares of Project Kill-lazy-projectmate to keep me working on the projects. bah.
i don't like how we're living in such a hardworking society. SLOW DOWN. i'm thinking of not going to school tomorrow, if i still feel sick. okay, actually even if i wasnt still feeling sick. (had to go to the toilet again. sink-blownose-coughphelgm-peemedicinefluid routine.)
shitloads of photos to upload. it feels tiring just to envision me walking to get the camera. -shrivels up and dies.
YESTERDAY di came back. okay just saying that puts a little zing back into me. -tries to sit up and flops over. anyway, she looked rather bright and cheery! which was very heartening for me and mab. i got a bit worried for her towards the end of well, then. and im sure glad she looked okay, for now at least. :) we'll have plenty to catch up on, yar babuseng. and those krispy kremes are yummmmmmm. my brother even said it tasted like hashbrowns. HMM.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:06 PM.
the pebble i picked up did its magic. (and i really appreciated all who wished me luck yar :) )
I PASSED!! :D :D :D (mom just told me maybe i can try driving to school tomorrow. COOL.)
it's still pretty unbelievable, since I started out commiting a whole series of dumb mistakes, like
(DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE INTENDING TO LET ME DRIVE YOU AROUND. because you just might change your mind after. ha.) trying to drive forward in reverse gear, almost turning into a crank course (the wrong way round somemore) when the tester wanted me to parallel-park, stubbornly believed that the motorbike was coming way too fast and refused to move out. all these happened in less than two minutes into the test.
so, it was no wonder that I really believed that i had failed, and almost wanted to just give up and stop being polite (i've never said so many "okay!" in an half hour.) to the tester who was going out of his way to being mean. (He kept sighing VERY loudly, and tsk-ing at every single thing i did. extremely discouraging.) but there was this little, really little though, voice that bleated "Just keep up with that i'm-so-damn-nice-you've-got-to-pass-me front! there's still a glimmer of hope left, till you mount up some kerb or flip on your side!"and so, very fortunately, i didn't lose it and dao-ed the tester. miracles do happen after all! -looks blessed.
The tester's bark proved to be worse than his bite, thankfully.
Thought i'll save on tears this time, but the photographer still made me cry in the end. i felt a bit stupid though, too drama-mama to cry over someone walking with a bad limp. i guess it was because he was so nice and smiley during the shoot, that it didn't occur to me that everytime he stood up, he had to pull himself up using his arm. okay, that didn't make sense, but just that he seemed so normal. Until he stood up to get himself more coffee, and he started limping (mind you, it wasn't a slight limp.) to the canteen. i just saddened myself silly, looking over at his jovial smile, taking photos of all the would-be drivers, and perhaps knowing fully well that he could never ever drive with his bad leg.
but if he's not feeling sorry for himself, then i really shouldnt hur.
anyway, we had to watch a video where a woman with speech problems related how her husband died when their car swerved wildly and threw them both into a canal. wiped those smiles off us fast.
but only for a while.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:56 PM.
in mabel's words, i've just lived out someone's life, once again.
but this time, its good. cause i'm taking something away from all those archives.
his writing is so engaging and sincere, that i'm rather put to shame. since all i've been doing is tryin to use pretty-sounding, big words to hopefully amaze any readers. bah. and i used to think any blogs with zilch photos are going to have me investing a grand total of about five seconds reading, but boy, was i wrong.
plus, after going through an year odd worth of entries, i feel like i know him already, and he has a whole lot of goodness in him. i'm starting to remember all over again the saying 'Honesty is the best policy.' Of course, being the VERY-kaypoh soh i am, there were interesting tidbits about him and her, that i never knew of. The whole letter-part is just darn sweet, and i'll melt into nothingness if i was her, taking in view (is that how you use the phrase?) that he was one of my long list of ex-crushes. (insert self-deprecating, mirthless laughter here.)
Tells you how much (or little actually) us outsiders know about the relationship itself. seriously, gossip-mongers aren't any good at accurate predictions at all.
So frank entries from now on.
To start on a fresh slate.
Lately, my dad has been asking either me or my brother for Internet lessons. But we've been very bad kids, always being rude and even scornful of how little he knew about the computer at all. ("Just press the backspace key. There, that one LAR!") Until I saw how Dad sometimes looked, when my brother just brushed his questions away nonchalantly and skipped off to play Maplestory, or watch Naruto or whatever. (it's starting to infuriate me, i seem to have a BACK of a brother, than the whole one really. all i see, is the back of him at the chair, in front of the computer, except when he's hungry and has to finally talk to my mother and ask for food.) anyway, my Dad just looked rather downcast, or rather, i'll imagine him feeling quite torn up. Cause not only is his ego bruised by being ignored by your own son.. okay, actually just the fact that you're repeatedly being ignored by your own son is enough to make a grown man sad. (writing this im, surprisingly getting quite emotional) So, i've been trying to make up for my brother's indifference, trying to be very responsive even if i get quite irritated. but in the end, i hate how inside, i'm actually irritated with my own dad asking me simple questions. as in, he's my dad. and he's just asking some easy-peasy questions, and borrowing your laptop for a while. (which he BOUGHT for you, you ungrateful daughter) that does not deserve any form of scorn on your part. damn.
i wished my brother would stop being so selfish, and immersed in his own corner with the computer and nothing else. and start paying more attention to dad. (oh my gosh, i'm gonna start crying and i'm sitting right smack in the living room. okay STOP.) cause in the end, he's the one who bought YOU that computer (okay wait, actually it's not even yours.), paid for all that electricity you're wasting, and even the damn education you're totally taking for granted, and failing constantly. and you're his only son. and as much as i want to, i know fully well that the sole fact that i'm a daughter, shuts me out from all the son-dad bonding that could take place. so i hope the computer virus you've managed to infect our computer with, stays in. and you start being in, with this family more. i'm abusing the word 'and' a lot.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:54 PM.
my south asian module is depressing me.
i don't know if it's just me, but i do feel an oppressing sense of being in the minority and discriminated against, in the tutorial. tamil/hindi-accented English are heard a lot in the class, while the teacher goes around asking all the indians questions which i don't relate to at all. (it doesn't help that them indians are really confident in expressing themselves.) plus, the teacher is one of those irritating people who likes to throw tons of questions at you, but interrupts you as soon as you reply with another question. i can't stand these kind of people, so i'm totally refraining from speaking at all in the class. it's not like, she calls on us chinese anyway. except maybe for the last tutorial, when she claimed that we chinese were just being quiet and keeping our heads down while our indian peers presented. and true enough, when she started interrogating us on the names of indian politicians in singapore, no names came to me. puh-lease. i don't even know the names of chinese politicians. i'm one of those apolitical ones.
my friend's sister just dropped out of university. the temptation of it all.
but i'll have to return my grandma all that money.
and i used to look forward to times in JC/secondary, when teachers will say, "okay, turn around and form groups of four. we'll be having project discussion now." because it meant a diversion from all those boring formulae, and endless theories. now that ARTS is all about projects (and longterm ones at that), it's putting me off.
Plus, i realise i do relate better to my own race. Race is, but a sociological creation, but it is SO important. I used to naively think I would be perfectly fine mixing with other races, but that whole inferiority complex problem does sink in when you're the numerical minority at that time.
After all these racist revelations, i've got a Holi 2007 (where i would be again, one of the fewer Chinese) to look forward to, not.
un-depress me, someone.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:56 PM.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Oh, why you look so sad? Tears are in your eyesCome on and come to me nowDon't be ashamed to cryLet me see you through'Cause I've seen the dark side tooWhen the night falls on youYou don't know what to doNothing you confessCould make me love you lessI'll stand by youI'll stand by youWon't let nobody hurt youI'll stand by youSo if you're mad, get madDon't hold it all insideCome on and talk to me nowHey, what you got to hide? I get angry tooWell I'm a lot like youWhen you're standing at the crossroadsAnd don't know which path to chooseLet me come along'Cause even if you're wrongI'll stand by youI'll stand by youWon't let nobody hurt youI'll stand by youTake me in, into your darkest hourAnd I'll never desert youI'll stand by youAnd when...When the night falls on you, babyYou're feeling all aloneYou won't be on your ownI'll stand by youI'll stand by youWon't let nobody hurt youI'll stand by youTake me in, into your darkest hourAnd I'll never desert youI'll stand by youI'll stand by youWon't let nobody hurt youI'll stand by youWon't let nobody hurt youI'll stand by you
i remember faintly that i almost wanted to sing this song at di's farewell, for her. luckily i didn't. i'll be a dripping faucet if i did. this song makes me soo sadd : (
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:44 PM.
It was really good to see all my secondary school classmates again, and knowing we've all hardly changed. Boys remained crazy, and girls are still as, cool. Now, when will the Princess E. class ever meet up again. (oh, and a classmate's getting married!! shocking stuff.)

and cousins came over! and i had to wipe down the entire sylvanian family dollhouse for my little cousin. used about one whole box of tissues and the whole time, my angmoh-hair cousin sat his ass on the swing and just
laughed at me. thanks ar. grr.

To sum up a very hectic Thursday.
To Lido's McCafe straight after school.
Ros, i know the stress is overbearing but hang in there k! we're here for you if you need us to talk to! :) Plus, you aren't alone.
A very pretty valentine's day present from a VERY modest (and talented in wires-twisting) girl.
Over to Settlers after that with the guys. In that second photo, we were playing this game which really challenged our nimble fingers, not. it was like mini-twister, with our hands. And we gave the shrieking group of cleavage-revealing girls a run for their money by screaming like siao while playing pit.
AND (yes, the night is still young) I went over to Mab's hall to stay over.

Arts, Design, Media building! My, what a swanky building to study in. Plus, if you're attached, the rooftop should be an awesome place for some quality time. Didn't get to see a SINGLE star that night though. BAH. rainy weather is crap lar, sometimes.
mabel ng liling took about six shots before her eyes FINALLY opened when the flash went off. heh.
is delaying the inevitable driving test a manifestation of underlying fear?
especially since in the last driving practice. all i seem to do, is blink.
back tears.
the last thing i want to do.
in front of uniformed strangers who are waiting to pounce on the slightest mistake on my part.
the worst? they're right in doing that.
i really am afraid of causing any accidents.
so for now, the dreaded is on 13th Feb. my gosh, all my prayers today were for this wednesday's. please help me out here, various gods.
Chinese New Year is finally coming to a close. Last few days, it's been a mad rush of lessons, driving practices and meet-ups with asstwelve-ers. Yells of "three cards!! i say, three cards!!" and "Thirty five. oh no, i mean, burger. er, i mean cheeseburger!!" are still ringing in my ears. Even my brother heard the outburst of laughter when the flurry of hands hastened to slam on sherwin's, even though he hasn't finished pitting yet. very hilarious, really. (^-^)
cynosure. centre of attention. new word!
there's a mid-term test two days from now. when did i become such a bad student.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:08 PM.