Sunday, February 25, 2007
head heavy, more on one side than the next.
hairband hurts. hair is irritatingly messy without.
don't like dreams in which i spend the whole time, reading exerpts from blogs written by people who spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e. (i do that in real life enough already.)
don't like naps. why would anyone like feeling groggy and disoriented (and almost always with a headache) and maybe even more tired. totally defeats the purpose.
i want those photos at hyatt with my cousins, i hardly take enough with them.
i saw krispy kremes in their true, glistening, colourful, round forms! got a slight whiff of really-good-pastries, but alas, them doughnuts were meant for chloe. bought in indon though, hmm.
i have a craving for holidays, one whole cycle of non-stop holidays. ahh. to quote her, school is depressing. (its perpetual lar, the craving anyway.)
sometimes, i just want to shut off the MSN alert. but most of the times, its reassuring to see the flickering orange box.
i want to write stuffs that will piss certain people off, but i want the whole world to read too. man, keeping a blog is good practise for self-filtering. siphoning off the ones that i really mean.
we were all born free. now, the shackles can't come off.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:58 PM.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
we're supposed to imagine spring approaching.
every day, since the start of cny break, has been a bai-nian day for me. but its all good. and i suddenly came to a relevation that, its not tv, or internet, but family which is my greatest distraction. everything else falls short.

i know that this is a bad photo of my bro, and my mom's cut off. but but buttt, i look good, er better, wad. hahah. okay, all biased photos lar. should already realise by now la hor.

how naive i was, to imagine catching up on my veryveryvery far behind readings and lectures, during this week long break. how how.
its rather sian when i miss my shuai distant cousins during house-visiting. that's the whole point of visiting distant relatives! not for angbaos! not that i talk to them though. heh. 'jacky chan' (my uncle really) came to visit us! haha, for those of you who watched Money No Enough (i think), he appeared at the end of the movie, pretending to be Jacky Chan. He did look like him really. and he's got goodlooking children. haha. stop it joce, too shallow, hitting ground liao.

My (kinda rich) aunt just announced that she will be treating all twentytwo huang jia rens to buffet lunch at Grand Hyatt. Finally, ill be stepping into that place for more than a sneaky trip to their swanky loo. one exciting weekend coming up. meet up with rivervalley classmates (haven't gone for gatherings since forever) to bai-nian at huang laoshi's (OH. i rmb us gambling at lee laoshi's place, and then getting caught and scolded by her. how sad.) then mass stayover with cousins and aunts and uncles at my place, mahjong, indian poker, banlak (though its really pronounced with a g.) all night, and dressing up for hyatt buffet :))))))) (my aunts stopped at Chameleon and tried on pink furry hairbands with rabbit ears, said they're gonna wear to the buffet. though im quite sure it's all said in jest. QUITE sure.)
my malay eyeshadow is a bit harsh hor. hmm.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:22 AM.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Valentine's Day, with Ros and Mab :) it was a day of trekking in the rain (so lomantic hor mab. haha), sharing venezia and Macs Prosperity meal(!), and group storytelling. love stories, gossips, weight management, flirts, we've got all genres covered. ha. you were missed too, di.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:17 PM.

get the hint yet?
and babuseng, its been tough on you lately. smile though, for me. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 8:06 PM.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
one of the worst moods on a sunday. is to be immensely bored, AND fully aware still that a daunting workload awaits your recognition.
to top it all off, there's no one to share grouses with, and you got to resort to your blog.
it almost feels illegal to cheat holidays off study-weary students.
little factions of dreams are weaved into history, and trusted to be so after some years. its all been said too often, sometimes. life's a dream.
i'll die happy if i could just live one week right beside the sea. imagine waking up to crying seagulls, and feeling your feet sink slightly into pearly-white sand as you run into the welcoming frothy blue waters for your morning bath. let me replay that again and again.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 4:31 PM.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
mabel ng's concert at victoria concert hall. the three roses are awfully pretty, and i felt a funny sense of superiority when i held them close walking in raffles city with the rest of the errm, flower-less people. haha. but of course, there's always the nagging thought that it was i who bought them, and ill have to be passing it over to mab later. just allowing myself some moments of delusion.

mabel and her huge gift of flowers from just about everyone. there must be about ten bouquets, (with some pooey-smelling ones. wahha) i'll be feeling like a little princess that night if i were her.

and representing the MRDJ. two of us, but the three roses stood for me, ros and DIANA. see, u're always thought of. heh.

vivocity on some random school day. sometimes spontaneous dates after school are lifesavers, the lone silver lining in an otherwise grey day.

the angmoh kid looked MUCH cuter on the real biscuit wrapper, check it out in Candy Empire.

all these seemed, ok are, taken from some time ago, and i don't know why i'm bothering. pretty much for the sake of being updated hur.
anyway i feel very much overwhelmed whenever i let my otherwise lazy brain wander to ALL my one and a half month's worth of undone readings for all six modules. wondrous discipline. HOWW??!?! the scv's killing me. (and my CAP) please ask me out on study dates, anyone.
also, im looking ahead to a very bleak future of many many projects. let me see, there are Japanese Studies, Interactive Media, South Asia Studies, Computing. an interesting mix of subjects to delve into, but when academic results are involved.. this is not going to be a pretty term. shitt.
i'm getting to know so many new people that i can hardly keep track of who they are anymore. just that day i spent one entire bus journey racking my brains over where i've met the girl in front of me before, and it only hit me over dinner. conversations start with "hi, errm what's your name again?" more often than i would like them to. it would help if all these new acquaintances translate to friends though.
too often, i sit in the lecture theater dreaming that you all were right next to me, and we'll be scrawling dumb notes to each other. comforting thoughts, cruel to break free from when you face the sea of unfamiliar strangers in reality.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:14 PM.