I'm a university student! -takes a look back at self and exhales slowly.
can't believe it actually. Some aunty in the lift was like, "You're Sec three right?"
RIGHHTT. (damn this sounds so much like daniel. HMM.)
Anyway, I've been babuseng-ing. WAHAHA. i love my girlie babuseng of a diana. WAHAA. Caught Click together, and she ate some morsels of my popcorn. which i TRIED very hard (but failed) to polish off. ANYWAY. that ain't the point. The point is i got to spend some quality time with my babuseng.
(man, i really am gonna miss her.)

And then, some frantic shopping with shiqin for shoes to get into Ministy of Sound. Many twirls and getting lost in Clarke Quay after, we were greeted by a unreasonably grumpy doorguy at MoS. BLEAHH. I pass him my IC, he interrogates my friend harshly and demands for her IC. Then he turns to me and barks, "IC!!" "I just gave it to YOU. (you shitty-grouch)" He somehow managed to keep that the-whole-world-owes-me-breakfast sulk on. Anyhows, we did get to do a bit of rocking in that place. Though music was like foreign to my ears for the first few hours. Echhh. This is my second clubbing experience, and im finding it pretty mild. It's either been mistakenly given a very bad name, or its just the NUS crowd.

By the way, Theatre Studies Practicals are proving to be SUPER great fun. I mean, it isn't just NOT boring. It actually is VERY VERY fun. For the last two practicals, we've gotten to dance a whole segment we cheographed as a class, and played tons of damn interesting games. I can't believe its school! Oh my. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:30 PM.
it's what, 8:21. pretty early to be online i know.
but university's got this whole system of printing notes and checking out emails sent by teachers that we cant help but follow. (this's the first time im refering to university in an even tone.)
NUS breakers day. Can't forsee much fun actually, and there wouldnt be i guess. Cliques, everyone different now, heading to the Milo Truck, grabbing a Milo and sashaying to your friends. can't go back to freshmen days. they say year, but they really mean days.
OH yay! i just found a chocolate croissant in the breakfast tin. significantly happier now.
Now would be a good time to reminisce about happier times.

shitter, lumpy, fat ass at newyork newyork. (not a good idea, joce)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 8:25 AM.
i am feeling all fucked up. fucked up fucked up fucked up.
sighh. i just want us all to be together again. bleahh.
must we move on. hur. if it means moving away from each other. what bloody growing up. bloody shitty compulsory damnit.
im getting irritated by people, disappointed by lacklustre attitudes, depressed by dumb meaningless crap.
i haven't laughed in a long time. and its scaring me a bit.
im only feeling comfortable with my darlings. i am always on my guard with my university mates (mates?), whenever i let it down i get slammed somehow. so im learning to be wiser. but im growing into a sadder me.
sadder. the word just looks sad.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:25 PM.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
there was a time in July when i bravely signed up on a camp by myself. Lone warrier. CNMphasis 06. Along the way, there were strong personal urges to run away from Chevrons and return to the secure haven of home, but i can't just pretend that university isn't going to happen. Plus, 10 odd people in one Orientation Group was going to make the task of escaping unnoticed rather difficult.
By the end of three days, i felt much better. Waking up beside former strangers, now mates, in our decent Chevrons house was something i got used to easily. The cheers or games didnt do anything to bond us. I think. Rather, just being in such close contact for these three days, allowed a sense of belonging to take root and bloom in our hearts. It was exclusive, these feelings. Only for Noodlez.
Human beings are pretty fickle, relationships with peers bloom and wilt in short amounts of time, via meaningless activities like cheering for your Orientation group, tending to the same charred chicken wing. Start of semester, everyone's pretending to be best friends. But let's not put on facades.
Let's get real.

can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:30 PM.
too many photos, too little time.
let's start from Sentosa. Gee, I wanna return. Soaking in the waters (albeit the rather mushy and gross seabed beneath our feet.) with a bestie is about the best therapy from the sudden overload of university matters.
while im waiting for the photos to be uploaded (they are taking longer than i imagined.), may i just impress upon my readers that i sorely wished i had gone to, 1.rag!! 2.O week(happening right now.) I am so going to go to rag day in my second year or something. Not to dance with the hot girls i think, but maybe to paint, cut, paste with crazy freshies for weeks!! My, sounds like fun. Okay, i just realised i wouldnt be a freshie next year. Arghhh. sian lar.
Anyway i will be SO bored this week! Everyone in Singapore's starting school except for NUS. Not that im complaining about that actually, but it would have been perfect if I could hang out with non-NUS people (which includes a few of my favourite people, namely Yiqiao, Ros, Mab, Di) in the week to come.

can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 4:12 PM.
it would be rather apparent now that you SHOULD not get Fujitsu laptop models.
Called up their service line this morning. "It has been lagging a lotttt (i really dragged the word out) and hanging a lotttt. Is this a common problem with Fujitsu?" Lady on the other end sounding pretty bored. (maybe because its only the 233545414 times she has heard complaints towards Fujitsu.) "u use Internet? Use internet then will lag one. All laptops also liddat. Come down to our service centre. We check for u, if its software problem u need to pay."
boiling with rage.
Hello? i just bought the laptop on 1st Aug. that's like 3 days ago, and you're tellin me to pay for some software that i DID not install. WARRRARRERARARARRAR. (roarin for the confused.)
Okay, everyone's going Ki-siao now with the bidding frenzy at FASS. i so do not need this shit.
On a brighter note, I've been passed for Lasik Op on 16th Aug! Hoorayy! Although it would mean i'll have to skip my first university lectures for about 3 days. bleahhh. But it'll be like a dream come true! Seriously, there isn't anything i crave more now than good eyesight.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:05 AM.