you could hear a pin drop in here. hardly how i envisioned an office setting. i had imagined a room bustling with activity, with the colleagues gossiping and the boss randomly lashing out at unlucky staff. right now, only the soft crooning of Jay Chou penetrates the silence.
I'm currently slacking. doing no work. because i am still unprepared to call across the room to Ros and tell her i've finished with the Yomeishu pictures. bleahh. I'm just hoping any tasks delegated to me after that, wouldn't result in me having to stay in the office past 6pm. and hopefully, she wouldn't be too mean about my artwork.
Ros seems busy. She's a grandmother already for god sakes. i should stop being afraid of her. anyway, in case you're all blur and thinking, Ros a grandmother?!?!, i am NOT talking about my girlfriend. I meant my BOSS at Russell Brand.
Over the weekend, i brought my mother to Orchard Road. Made her walk from Takashimaya to Far East and back to Taka and to Robinsons at Centrepoint. and she was in biting heels, poor mom. But at least she finally got to see all the youngsters' hangouts. She was pretty amazed with Far East, she never thought such a place existed in Singapore.
I'm wondering if the rest of the colleagues (read 3 ladies) are secretly slacking as well. and all that typing sounds im hearing are actually them blogging, chatting.
Right, ive got work now. yayy.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:38 AM.
here i am at work. This is the first time actually, that im working all by myself. The last 2 times were either with Diana, or Yiqiao. Its been going okayy so far. no major screw-ups, blue moods and all. but it does get a tad lonely sometimes. why do we lose all that willingness to pei people everywhere when we grow up? just now the aunty was saying she wanted to go get the mail and for us to go up first. The mailbox was just beside us! If it was back in the college days, and the aunty was another school girl, we would have been like, "dont be silly!" and wait for her, chattering nineteen to the dozens. but its all changed. my colleague nodded and we then went up in the lift. I guess my colleagues are considered friendly. but that's only because we're no longer talking schoolfriends-friendly. at work, in society, its all that polite friendliness. nobody seems willing to let anyone into their comfort zone. what's up with that! i know we all dont have a history together, but we could jolly well make something out of the few months we're going to spend together. maybe its the age gap. this is depressing. something cheerful? Great Singapore Sale? Well, according to err shiqin, Triumph's on major sale. hahaha, so for b-less or b-needing girls, note that down. like i was telling yen and shiqin and mab, i cant stand the thought of being enclosed in an office every weekday of my life for the next ten years or so after university. already, i can barely bear the thought that ill be in this office for the next two months. it is sounding very very long. of course, it certainly doesn't help that university starts about 2 weeks after. -crumples and dies. so ill be a zookeeper. i have been following the flight of every bird flying past my window on the 13th floor. my sole way of recapturing and feeling the presence of freedom, in those little birds. many towering office buildings surround the one im at, and i imagine all the working people trapped inside, doing meaningless stuffs, feeling meaningless emotions. i look at all those office people hustling and bustling in the kopitiam, and i feel uncontrollably sad. somehow ill end up like them.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 3:03 PM.

2 rather pretty birds which chirps at my place daily, just outside my walkway. anyway shall move on to more important matters.
i like this photo. the look on di's cute, like i can imagine her saying, "hurrr.. dont have twister fries ar? hurrr.." and ros's just happy, probably laughing her very loud laugh. :) plus it was the only shot i had with mabel in it. yep, she's in it. there she is, all five fingers, at the bottom left hand corner. heh.
i didnt realise i missed them SO much, i mean i knew i did miss them, but i didnt know so much. haha. anyway, yesterday was our err. about one month gathering. it's been THAT long. :(
but anyways, we had our laughs and we were talk talk talking non-stop. the information from everyone i took in. hahah, it was so great. :)

chicky's not part of the gang. oh, and neither is the ah ma.
i love you all. :) veh-wy veh-wy mush.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:08 AM.
helloo. for a cheerier post.
a tribute to food! you know, you cant live without them. and dont argue with me on that. it's true, on whatever basis.
and so, the brandings do matter even in culinary delights. tadah!from The Cheesecake Factory - the Godiva Cheesecake. (swoons and floats up to heaven.) im still waiting for the day i get to crunch down on some of that Godiva Chocolate.

do excuse me for the gargantuan photos. im trying to get it as lifesize as possible. (all the better for me to print them out and stuff them for my rumbling stomach, m'dear.)
and the cutest, most playful ice-cream shop beckons in malls. what with Free Cone Day, cheeky names like PhishFood, Chunky Monkey, Ben and Jerry's has got a loyal global fanbase.

ice cream is unbeatable in its naked glory. but melted atop piping waffles, they're just divine. halfpricedTuesdays at Gelare's, take note all.

crap, so much talk about it, and there doesnt seem to be any hope of krispy kremes setting up shop in Singapore. right, we'll just drool over these 2D doughnuts then. (and maybe di's bro will come back with a bagful of them one day. :) im just saying, di.)

okay i dont know about you. but i sure am getting too hungry to finish up the post.
chomp chomp.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:36 AM.
the M hits again? when you don't see the url in your list of sites, you know its time to start typing.
bleah. there's been nothing much, in life. only emotion involved is disappointment when i gotta turn down all those plans. so sorry mab. i know, i was the one who got so hyper about travelling, the one who decided on taiwan and who changed it to malaysia, and finally the guilty one who has a mother who has a sister who convinced the mother of the looming dangers waiting for me in our dear neighbour country. -roars.
guilty of it all. and dumbledore said, "lets go now, to pursue that flighty temptress. adventure."
my mom never did understand those potter books.
i could have been packing those bags, stuffing that phillips toothbrush, grinning stupidly at the passport. grumbles.
oh, i have photos to show. but that passion was just passing, as it turns out. lost, but not found, yet? such a happy girl i was.

and just one pathetic almost zebra-less, and definitely diana-less, photo to remind us that we had stepped into the zoo that fine day. oh no, i remember hiding from the rain, mustn't be that fine then yar.
i just hope outings following that, would be more fun, more real.

i know what would be my pill to the blues. meeting up with some of my girlfriends, sorely missed can.
then maybe i wouldnt be thinking of my mom dying and nasty stuffs like that.
oh, and i would be employed start of next week. hello to solo lunches, and monologues with dried meepok. i really hope jiurong's right that the colleagues are nice. university seems so much closer now that i know, that my work will end only by mid July. that'd leave me with about 2 weeks to university. gives me the butterflies and a tummyache.
the puffy white clouds and pure-blue sky tells me ive entered Simpsons World.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:50 AM.