Wednesday, April 26, 2006
oh wait. i wanna record some snippets of hilarious, can-be-used-to-threaten-with-for-money conversation. ".. coz next monday is Dabour Lay right." (note : i meant Labour Day)at MRT escalator, woman says "excuse me." while trying to get past Mabel. Mabel replies with, "Huh?", thinking that woman was going to start talking to her. hahha, silent laughter ensued though we were in separate cabins. Me : " i dunno, is somemore even an English word?" (i meant, like when i used it in sentences like, "He was rich, and shuai somemore.") Di : "Yar. It can be used mar. blah blah blah"I didnt understand and asked for an example.Di : " Hmm. like when you use it in, "There are some more fish in the fridge." "i roll on the floor laughing out loud. Mab : "Need to wear cloe coads." she meant cold clothes. ahemm, tried holding in the guffaws but gave up when she said the same thing a second time. -twinkle in my eye.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:24 AM.
happyy! :D
anyway, you guys cant guess about the previous entry de lar. and whats that about "you're so nice." from di? puh-leeze. who put that idea in your head. tsk tsk. now now, dont go getting yourself in a ditzy cause you guys are NOT EVEN NEAR to what i talked about OKKKK. heh heh.
today was a huge dollop of Jolly Jabbles (my self-created brand of Ben & Jerry's.) Jabbles cause it sounds like babbles, and thats like talking, which was what i did a lot. :) with my favourite people too. anyway, (to much "whatt?no.. no wayyy." sputtering from the uninformed) TODAY is Ben & Jerry's Free Cone day! and i happily got to try out 3 flavours, Chunky Monkey, Choc Chip Cookie Dough and Choc Brownie Fudge. (okayy, im just making up the names as i go along cos i can hardly remember.) im satisfied just sharing a cone with friends. :D and di didnt manage to squeeze those udders.
Di was at that cafe and boy, was she a diligent worker rushing everywhere in her cool-as-night black outfit clearing up those meals and blending up those lattes. hehh, would have made her momma proud. i just hope whatever that lady said about work politics proves to be plain hogwash.
This week seems pretty booked suddenly. hm. according to mabel, my stomach's being corroded by acid right now. so i should like go sleep and not let them happen while im in wide-awake consciousness. haha. alrighhtt.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:57 AM.
you know what sucks?it sucks when you think its all going to go right. and it doesnt. the knowledge that if you had just done one single thing another way, that everything would have been okay, keeps invading your mind till you get so infuriated with yourself.bleah. -pukes.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 6:52 PM.
you know, i was just standing beside Dean (from campus superstar, the very shuai girl.) in OP at jurong point just a few hours ago. and its damn weird, because ive been watching her on all those episodes on tv, and here she is! taking 2 for $25 slippers and trying them out. all the while just beside me.
So many manyy famous faces made in Singapore eh. you gain a popularity of like, 1000 heads everytime you appear on tv for some competition.
anyway yiqiao means it when she says she's super calm when she meets celebrities and all. and i had believed i was pretty unexcited by unexpected presence of tv stars. nahh, she wins hands down.
Me : (dawned on me that it was Dean under that boyish cap, standing JUST BESIDE ME.) Oh man, ay look. (furious whisper)
Yiqiao : (lifts head) Orh. yar los. Ay, so should i get the white ones? (throws white slippers to ground and jams feet into them.)
Me : Oh man. (resumes sneaking peeks whenever im sure dean or her 'girl-friend' 's not looking. and conveniently ignores yiqiao as she blabbers on about her dilemma about white or green slippers.)
Yiqiao : Ay, what about the green ones? (wriggles toes in green slippers.)
Dean walks further away to another part of the store.
Me : (ignoring both toes and owner of toes.) hmm. she really should wear make-up man. and that one her girlfriend ar?? hmmm. what do you think? and she really looks like a guy lar! gosh.
Yiqiao : (i know she said something about a bra here. teehee.) dont care lar. also not chio one. Ay, i like the white slippers better leh.
talk about indifference.
On a completely random note, i have this quirk of getting the number of my body parts wrong. but mind you, i hardly go announcing this to anybody around. like, i'd think i have five nostrils instead of five fingers on a hand, or two toes instead of ten. that kinda thing. its the two, five, ten thingy. oh welllls. just though you'd like to know. Ha.
Gee. its been quite some time since i hung out with a few people.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:31 PM.
i wouldnt mind being that blade of grassjust to let that
cute ball of fur nuzzle up to me.
i've heard some jokes that i thought were hilarious. go to di's blog for one about bryan. that's just so plain cute you cant help but smile.
and then there're others.
On a business trip to India, a black American executive took some time off to play golf. He was playing particularly well when he noticed a group of locals watching him. They were jumping up and down and yelling "Tiger Woods!" Taking this as a compliment to his golfing skills, he turned and bowed ostentatiously in their direction.
It was at this point that a tiger came out of the woods and ate him.
- David Dunn
A matchstick was walking along the streets when he felt unbearable itching in his head. He then lifted his puny arm and started scratching his head. It was not long before he was on fire.
Frantic, he rushed to a nearby doctor and the doctor proceeded with bandaging his chao-tah head.
The poor matchstick then turned into a cotton bud.
- Qiu Zhe
now ill be darned if you arent rolling on the floor laughing out loud.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:50 PM.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
bleah. should have expected it. was coming home in pretty good spirits, only to have it all spoilt when my mom announced that my glass heart-stirrer was broken. wtf really. because she made it sound like it was totally my fault. "Oh, you know your stirrer. its broken. you cannot put it there you know, sure break one. it was bound to happen." Me: "meaning you dropped it la." 'yar lar, but then it was bound to happen." what the lar. damnit. plus the NTU letter came in. Interview and test are both on 22nd April. its good its all on one day anyway. But that doesnt make it any less scary. written test, i can just imagine all the angmoh kiang-kias scribbling like siao, and the angmoh juice almost spurting out of them onto the papers. Argh. Plus, SCI's encouraging us to bring along a portfolio. Should i? maybe they'll just think the advertisement drawing board's just plain stupid, and will probably kill all my chances instead. Anyway, i was actually preparing to write something about all of us when i got home. so here goes. i mean di ros mab and me anyway. i know its been tough for us to meet up, with IRAS, work, driving lessons, tuitioning, other friends. Unlike the old schooldays when we spent almost all waking hours together in school. But then, its proved to have almost not worsened anything.we just click dont we. like, there's something about the four of us that just works. today was so great, laughing over the board games, catching up and grilling ros. just basking in the warmth of girlfriends. so great. really. all four of us have earned this, this circle of friendship. we've cried a lot, bitched a lot, been unhappy a lot, been laughing a lot, been eating a lot (haha.), been mis-understanding and understanding a lot, all at the same time. two years, and i spent it with you all, never regretting any single moment. i have four best friends. (plus yiqiao) what more can i wish for. and ros, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. :) i love youuuuuuuuuuuuu. 

and we'll make that birthday wish come through. even though we were all laughing and pretending to be all grossed out. i heard the wish, "that we'll meet up more often, even when we're all old." (gosh, im almost going to cry.) anyway, even when we're all seemingly going in different paths, i have enough trust in the bond. di, dont worry. ill be saving up to visit you in london. and technology is so advanced now, it'll seem like we're almost not apart. im going to make this long-distance relationship last. we all will. promise? -wriggles pinkie. just to end this off on a high note, because it is April 12th and it is ros's HAPPY birthday after all. (hahha) before we know it, we'll all be settling down and this hateful period of change would have passed. and we'll all be doing nicely in our respective universities. with more friends to hang out with and probably boyfriends hanging around. but then one day we four would gather and realise that nothing'd have changed. some things just dont. and we'll all point fingers and laugh at the silly things we all did when we were in NJC. and we'll get nolstalgic, but not sad, because we've moments to reminisce about, and thats something. let's not be afraid of growing up, because we ALL are (growing up). and even though we're walking on different roads it'll in the same direction, so we can always look across and see us smiling back at each other from all different paths.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 8:28 PM.
it's the end of my 3-day promoter experience. and golly, it was a mini-rollercoaster ride! -some gems."you speak too fast... you pooor thing." (when i started mixing up brushing your teeth and brushing your mouth.)"you need a mint." what the ^$#%$%&%#^$%. that left me severly distraught. qiao had a tough time convincing me that n-o-t-h-i-n-g was smelling funny about me."do you know how rude you are?? she was talking to me when you took that away!" (its the same weird lady who said the above two sentences, just that the second dialogue was to yiqiao when she had to borrow the toothbrush from me for her own demonstration. but seriously, there was nothing wrong yiqiao did, and that lady is just plain weird plus rude.)a man who asked about every single gritty detail for at least HALF AN HOUR, and in the end, when he finally decided to buy a set, unloaded our entire pyramid of boxes, in the attempt to get one without a single dent. Aaron concluded that he's got a mental problem, like overly obsessive about nitty gritty details. and here's the good stuff. (alright this part will be slightly on the haolian-ing side, so if you cant stand that, or if you're yiqiao (hahahhaha.) dont read.)"you little devil! you're goood!" aaron was in awe of me when the customers started buying. -smirks. "actually you know what, ill get a set now because you've been so nice." a kind old man who appreciated. "3 sets please." i swear the ka-ching in my head went off so loud the customer heard it."i was here yesterday too and she's a really good promoter!" (to aaron)you know im starting to have second doubts about posting this but i swear im just overwhelmed because i haven't heard praises of myself for a very long time. this ego-ism will fade after a while. and that's that. after the very last sale, (which was to myself! i found the sonicare toothbrush so good after promoting it to others, that i had to have one too.) me and qiao walked away from the oldwitch next door, all the way to yami yogurt and later, gelare's. Geewhiz. Gelare's lowfatblueberrycheesecakeyogurtwithcone was A JOLLY GOOD TASTIN' ONE. try it guys. and the red plush comfy seats at Suntec's Gelare's are to die for.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:21 PM.
this is kinda late, but anyway on 22nd March 2006.
smacking GOOOOOODDD chilli crab with my family.
IT WAS -licks thick chilli gravy off all five fingers
FREAKING GOOD. I know im a crab fanatic, (prawn too) but im not kidding here. The crab flesh was tender and fresh, yet had a fantastic Q-ness to it. PLUS the amazing chilli gravy had oozed its way through the shell and -PRESTO! the crab-meat had a slight tinge of spiciness. (okayy, i think maybe that was because there was some chilli sauce still on my fingers.)
Arghhh. A picture speaks a thousand words. ill let them do the talking. -stomach grumbles while mind fantasizes about chilli crab dinner once again.

My poor bro (who's probably sleeping on some grass patch now. SEC 3 CAMP!!) had a chemistry test the next morning. but yar, for his darling sis, he had to just study in the car on the way to East Coast. Heh heh. ohh, and that's my monkey he's hugging!

believe me, even the mantou was ICHIBAN! it was exactly how a mantou should be - pipinghot plus the white part was soft enough to absorb the goodness outta the tantalising chilli gravy plus the golden brown crust crisped to perfection.

can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:31 PM.