My birthday week's over!! ahhh. no more showers of love from everybodyyyy. hahha. kidding. i know you guys will always er. shower me with love. hhaha. alright. A TRUCKLOAD OF PHOTOS STRAIGHT UP.
Okay wait. first, i gotta thank the kind souls who msged me happy birthday.
grace, yiqiao, diana, mabel, rosalinda, l.zhiwei, kenny, daniel, mummy, daddy, shiqin, yen, sida.
very nice of you to remember me on 22nd March. :)
On Monday, 20th March 06.
I was blindfolded by this blue bandana you'll see later, and holding hands with my 3 lovely girlfriends, made my way to Sentosa Cablecar station! (unknowingly of course.) Imagine my sheer delight when the bandana was off and lo and behold, i was dangling high above beautiful blue-green waters between Sentosa and main-island Singapore. they really know me well, these girls. being on the cablecars has always been on my list of things-to-do-before-i-pass-on. :) 

Next came a lot of innovative games Ros Di Mab had destroyed their brain cells over. Just to name a few, there was the one where i had to bite on to a bowl and scoop salty seawater up. And another was designed so i'd spend a huge amount of time looking stupid dragging my feet trying to write out my name on the sand while blindfolded (yupp. bandana-time again.) Oh, and if you see a stranger-guy appearing later, he's just another part of one of the games. P.S. i love the many packs of gummies you guys used as bait for me to carry on. heehee. OH. did i not mention the fact that these were ALL one-player games. and the one player was me. :)

and then they gave me the NICI MONKEY!! :)) Another most-wanted of mine. awww. i really love them three. what will i do without MRD. :)

And yen and shiqin got me something for my birthday too! damn sweet of them. Its a butterfly crystal handphone strap plus a forever friends card. Thank you both soo much. :)

and last but NOT (never) least, MRD!!
MABEL DIANA ROSALINDA. you 3 are god-sent.
Love you three. HUGS!!
and yiqiao too!! i really love that classy calendar you made for me! promise you'll write notes on it k. your efforts are greatly appreciated. love you too!! HUGS!!
and mommy daddy! thanks for the chili crab feast. (photos another time) and the angbao. i will love you all (brother too) till i wheeze my last breath. :)
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:56 AM.
here i am typing in the sweltering hot night in singapore.
gosh. you all know that temperatures have been averaging at 33 degrees celsius in our sunny ol' island yar.
anyways, its 2.31 am now. and Friends just ended. the one with the prom video, with the former huge-monica, and jackychan-rachel, and errr. weird-looking ross. but it was damnit sweet. for those not in the know, rachel and ross had just broken up when they were watching the video with the rest of the gang.
in the home video, rachel's prom date was late and rachel was wrecked thinking she wouldnt be able to attend prom. and so ross's mom asked ross to get dressed and take rachel to prom. (he had a SUPERHUGE crush on rachel.) but rachel's date turned up while ross was all decked out in his father's tux and clutching some flowers he meant to give rachel. and then the video managed to capture ross's sad puppy eyes as he stared helplessly as rachel and monica trooped off with their dates. at that, rachel was seriously shocked because she had never known that all that had happened soo many years ago. and she just went over to very-embarassed-ross and planted a huge wet kiss on his lips. hahhaha. but it was like awwwwwwwwww.sorry if that whole part bored you out. haha. anyway, i just made up my mind to like, stop feeling all stressed and to quit living life like it's shitty hell. and just, treasure every moment. hmm. lighten up me!! and all!!
that little pep talk over, you know, i suddenly realised how we girls are totally expecting guys to be gentlemen. and how its kinda demanding of us.
imagine going out on a first date and at the end of a meal, the guy starts calculating the costs and informs you of the amount you have to pay. "he should have at least offered to pay, that jerk."
imagine going to a class outing, and there are suddenly some empty seats on the otherwise crowded train, and this guy plops himself on it immediately. "oh goshh. he should have asked us girls first!"
imagine being in the public and this guy in front of you swings open a door and, knowing fully well that females are just right behind him, lets it slam shut on your face without bothering to hold it. "that's so ungentlemanly!"
i wonder if guys know it, but girls DO really expect this all from them. and even im starting to find it unfair. hmmm.
dont get me wrong though, i fully appreciate chivalry really.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 2:31 AM.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
the hardest part is to start. in about an hour's time, ill be leaving home to go for the class outing im desperately hoping will be good. it's in di's house, which is really good cause im missing that loft. there'll be barbeque i think, which is really good once again, because it does provide the 11-odd of us with something to do. smiles have been missing, laughter fading.
you with the frowning, us noticing.
you think its working, but e facade's not lasting.
us deeply sensing, the pain you're feeling.
im waiting.
okay that sucked. hahha. in order to make rhyming easier, i just made everything end with -ing. hahha. CHEATERRR. anyway, university applications are irritating the hell outta me. and could i have my 2 uni-openhouses back? unfortunately i think i forgot to visit a lot of other faculties, because i have forgotten (o dear me) that there's a high chance i wouldnt be accepted into adm, or sch of communications information. actually i dont think i'd even be applying for the former. you know whyy. because it requires a handup of PORTFOLIO (which i have zilch artwork to put in.), an ESSAY, a 3 MINUTE VIDEO. and all's gotta be at the NTU admission office by 1st April. that's about 16 days away. i could work the video and essay out. but the portfolio would kill me. i cannot picture what i can include in it. in all my years of living, i have like not spontaneously produced any decent artwork. lets see. i once magnified a drawing of Charlizard for my brother, and sure, there're those stupid act-cheem little sketches i drew in my Econs notes. hmmm. that's about it? -faints and ADM dream goes pop! so i was thinking, i wouldnt want anything to do with sciences, or mathematics. so im pretty much left with all the general courses, like Business. so im probably going to put that down. yar. ohwells. i better go start preparing. heading out for MacsBreakfast with my brother soon. that is if i can pry him off the computer and his Gunz. in the meantime, maybe someone up there can help me resolve some of the crap i have around me? ohhh. what's that? oh, you're saying there're starving African kids and cancer-stricken patients out there you gotta help? ohh. thats alright then. whilst im on the last bits of the waiting list, ill figure out the mess myself. thanks for trying anyway.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:16 AM.
a c c.
now its time to move on yar. yesterday was like. woww.
all those tears, i kept weeping, all the time hating myself because i had made myself out to sound so strong, and i had told everyone who would listen that i wouldnt cry, even in the face of cs and ds. oh well. but i cant be that hard on myself.
coming home was great. at first i had dreaded facing my parents, afraid ill break down again when i have to repeat my grades. but surprisingly, i felt damn comfortable when i bathed and when everything sank in, as i just sat on the sofa.
thanks for all those hugs, just having friends around you while you weep your heart out made me damn thankful for them.
but of course there were still irritating a**holes who were not giving a damn about this crying mess in front of them and still shouting out their A results for the whole world to hear.but that's that. man.
i really like pink mentos.was reading those booklets just now. hmmph. nothing addressing students who didnt get results that allowed us to get scholarships. crapp. i guess we gotta source around on our own.
i am strong.
now i just have to listen to whatever ive always been telling others.
and move on.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:21 PM.