Monday, December 26, 2005
I dropped my principles in Malaysia.
One horrid freaking thing. we were all milling around in the pasar malam (probably the locals' shopping mall.) at night. and then we spotted a crowd around this huge screen. and so we kinda jostled our way through. and gosh. they were screening a footage of this criminal getting 20 strokes of the whip. the bare buttocks were shown, and so zoomed in to. everyone was cringing, and i turned away after the tenth stroke. it was soo horrible. and i felt so sad. for i dunno, the criminal? or probably what horrid things one can do to another. There was a man at the side counting the strokes in Malay, and the whip 'persahh!' down on the bare butt. the skin broke, raw bloody flesh appeared. the whip rained down on the same spot everytime. and the man was screaming helplessly. we were never shown his face. he had his hands tied up and his face pushed towards the floor as he stood receiving his beating.
so scaryyyyy. when the video ended, a malay beefy guy appeared and demonstrated in real life the whipping on this dummy. the crack of the whip. horrible.
it must take a heart of steel to punish a man in such a way. i know they probably deserve it. but even so, it was just so heart-wrenching no matter what.
when the crowd dispersed, we shopped around somemore. but everyone was clearly distracted. especially my brother, he looked so scared, and seriously disturbed by the video.
you gotta be there to feel the effects.
okay. enough of the scary, photoless stuffs.

Cerwin and Randy.
see lar. go work out lar brother.

zongwei. thrashing around in the water. funnny guy lar.

and then there was a watermelon-eating contest held at the beach itself. malaysians are definitely more fun-loving.

lookk. the guy who's holding up his TOTALLY clean watermelon has won after some 7 min. guess what the prize was. yes, smartalecks. a HUGE pitcher of watermelon juice. the whole beach was hooting with laughter.

then came the limbo rock contest. oohh. i hope the young man won. (the watermelon-winner participated too! and the host said he was 3months pregnant. so bad!) couldnt stay for the end because had to rush off for dinner.

at night, superman 2 played on the wall. malaysia. truly kampongg.
in the morning there was some workout and there were really people working out too, like with the instructor. will that happen in singapore? hmmm.

me and my mom. evidence that i was in msia.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:55 PM.
I dropped my principles in Malaysia.
One horrid freaking thing. we were all milling around in the pasar malam (probably the locals' shopping mall.) at night. and then we spotted a crowd around this huge screen. and so we kinda jostled our way through. and gosh. they were screening a footage of this criminal getting 20 strokes of the whip. the bare buttocks were shown, and so zoomed in to. everyone was cringing, and i turned away after the tenth stroke. it was soo horrible. and i felt so sad. for i dunno, the criminal? or probably what horrid things one can do to another. There was a man at the side counting the strokes in Malay, and the whip 'persahh!' down on the bare butt. the skin broke, raw bloody flesh appeared. the whip rained down on the same spot everytime. and the man was screaming helplessly. we were never shown his face. he had his hands tied up and his face pushed towards the floor as he stood receiving his beating.
so scaryyyyy. when the video ended, a malay beefy guy appeared and demonstrated in real life the whipping on this dummy. the crack of the whip. horrible.
it must take a heart of steel to punish a man in such a way. i know they probably deserve it. but even so, it was just so heart-wrenching no matter what.
when the crowd dispersed, we shopped around somemore. but everyone was clearly distracted. especially my brother, he looked so scared, and seriously disturbed by the video.
you gotta be there to feel the effects.
okay. enough of the scary, photoless stuffs.

Cerwin and Randy.
see lar. go work out lar brother.

zongwei. thrashing around in the water. funnny guy lar.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:55 PM.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
last christmas, i gave you my heart.
and the very next day, you took it away.
this year, to save me from tears,
i'll give it someone special.
and the song rings.
how pathetic. joce. how pathetic. dont scrunch up your face this way. how sick. drama rama. so many things go on in that little head of yours. too many. you know, it wont be the last time. wouldnt be.
valentine's day, xmas eve. doomed. jinxed me.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:22 PM.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
i hope the error thing disappears.
today was soooo weird!! totally didnt have plans, until i went online and suddenly i was headed to this stranger's house to help paint the walls. okayy. so there's some connection. like he's taiyi's boyfriend. but stilll. i dont even know him, nor his 'brothers'. but despite all my fears about smoke and curses and all that, they're friendly and nice and all. smoke = beng = bad? not anymore. they were totally cute with the kid toddler, much cuter than me. bleahhh. im such a child-hater. or at least i appear to be. maybe its the kid's problem in this case. she totally did not smile once through out the whole time! not even at grace, who should be her favourite jie jie.
everyone's fretting about jobs, and really eager about them. except for ninny-joce, scared of everything plus reality. shit. i want lasic so bad. maybe marsell's wrong, maybe i dont have scars on my eye. i need to move my ass to some lasic specialist centre!! girl, do something about anything!! gosh.
today really opened my eyes. being around with ros, di, mab so much, has been lovely, but really, ive been too enclosed in my own world. in my own singles-only-and-couples-do-gross-things world. and shunning away from guys, except class guys maybe. ive got to stop clamming up. i dont want to have to go to some dating agency to get married, in ten years time. dreaded blind dates might very well be my future if i dont change!!
i learn so much about myself every moment, but hardly any is good.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 4:14 AM.

my christmas tree. some fake snow (wispy cotton) before the real stuff.

them darlings came to send me off to korea. my whole family thinks they're very nice girls now. heh heh. appreciate it man!! :)

in the big big taxi to Changi Airport. only my ahgong and brother had the strong stomachs to sit facing the back of the taxi.

the teos. we're where the non-travellers can't enter.

i reckon this should be pretty new. was funny how all of us couldnt work the cooler. until we realised we had to push the 'push'.

korean air stewardesses from asiana airlines! but the ones on the return flight were prettier. and that's my mom. she's an excuse for the picture. hahha.

the korean world cup stadium!

kimchi-making session! ahgong was totally hilarious when he refused to carry on rubbing chilli paste mixture after some pathetic glops, as he claims that mucus flowing will interfere. right on, ahgong!

an nyeong ha seh yeoh to you too.

-12 degrees celsius with strong icy winds is no joke.
i wanna dye my hair! after seeing my cousin's brown locks for days, i think im decided.

pretty dorky hats, its like made out of cardboard or sth, its that hard. me and my bro in some pretty shop in Everland! (singapore should have a theme park. escape doesnt even have a decent giftshop or something. or maybe its the coldness that makes everything so much more prettier.)

they actually show Harry Potter in Everland. amazing. oh, you know my tour guide gave my cousin this wristband that allows him to go on all rides in Everland. plus, she whispered to him to not let the other people in the tour group know. she must really think he's goodlooking.

my loving grandparents eating the sausages my filial dad got them. KOREANS ARE BLATANT LIARS. hahha. okay, maybe its a misunderstanding. but SEAFOOD SAUSAGES did not have any sausages in them. what's up with that.

getting the sweepers to be young and speedy on rollerblades was a wacky idea!

this ride was damn entertaining. dont get me wrong, i wasnt on it. but there was a huge crowd and my family, just standing there looking up at these girls as they spin higher and faster, screaming like crazy, hair whipping around like mad.

my mom. she really likes this photo.

at mayfair resort, we sleep on fluffy silk comforters on heated wooden floors. it gets pretty warm, which was great in wintry korea.

yes. white white snow.
right outside the door of our beautiful resort.

there was a staircase up. which leads to...

a loft! (is that what you call it?) i'd love to have a bedroom(its a bed im sitting on, just that we cleared out the pillows and stuffs) like that, where you can look up to the starry sky and see snow fall, through that little window.

my daddy. the scenery was so white and beautiful. i hardly believed it was right before my eyes, and not on some widescreen tv.

our postcard-pretty resort.

it was on these snow-covered stone steps that a big friendly wolf-dog bounded up to us. awfully cute! i started patting it when no one else dared, too bad we werent quick enough to take a photo of it. it wouldnt stop moving, probably to keep warm.

our first breakfast in korea! and biaoge had too much of the sweeet oranges that he got pretty sick that night.
the heater, with real fire licking the sides of the top sometimes! it was a real luxury to the frostbitten us.
proof of the weather!

here we were at the skiing lodge.
pretty few skiiers this early in the morning.


and the ski slopes start to fill up. this was where i started to notice the beautiful korean noses.

the skiing foodplace where people thaw out from the bitter cold just outside the doors. its called the fitness centre for some reason. i was admiring the skiboards and skiblades hanging in the picture, pretty awesome designs. the lockers were pretty expensive. almost $2 for one time usage.

if only singapore had such beautiful blue waters, with white foamy waves crashing on the rocks. purrfect.

we got onto this funny boat, which allowed the locals to travel between 2 islands, which had a separation so small you could clearly see the faces of the people on the opposite shore. the boat works by a pulley system, which my cousin is helping to work out now.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 2:31 AM.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:19 PM.
and here we board this giant cable car which took us to very great heights. all the way to the top of this mountain. scaryy stuffs. (damn the blurness. the guy in the photo is a pretty cute korean cable car attendant.)
korea has almost all the restaurants we have. kfc, macs, bk, coffeebean, dunkin donuts blah blah. at kfc, they still serve Twister! and they dont have chili sauce packets anywhere in the country i think, only tomato sauce. booo. wilson will like it though. heh. 
apparently this street was used to film some scenes in winter sonata, and so there were handprints of the leads. they do that a lot in korea, (make film sets into tourist attractions)pretty alert of all the korean hype asia-wide eh. 
and this restaurant vows to make all customers look freaking stupid before they settle for their hot stirfried meat and rice. 
ohh. the pained expressions on all our faces. the orange apron's making us all depressed. 
if it was autumn, the leaves wouldnt be green but red. once again, this is some scene of some korean show. 
stir fried cabbage might not look very appetising. but actually, korean vegetables are really sweeet, and im so used to eating bucketloads of vegetables every meal, i found it hard to digest my meesiam for today's breakfast. 
all huddled around the steaming pot of burning coal.

there was this totally hot korean couple who started taking photos like this, balancing on the log. and yar. er. we copied.

and again. my father's funnyy.

ahhh. my new converse shoes. not as clownish as i thought they would be. footsteps in the snow sounds like,
kerraacsh. kerrasch. 
ive entered a new level of magic, where im able to make bouts of snow spin in front of me.

and on the boat back, the two of them just kept yakking yakking about maplestory, ran online, blah blahhhhh. yak yak yakkety yakk. what's a girl got to do.

that's our entire tour group! very small number.. for once, i'll like to join a tour group where i actually make some friend who i'll still keep in contact when we're all back in singapore.

at least chang jing looks like she's looking at the camera.

i think my father looks a bit like zhang zai he here. no? whoopps. hehh.

im in the jail cell too! wooo! chang jing and han shang gong have touched the exact same tarmac im stepping on right now! woooo!

my friends, i am bringing back the presents from korea for you all. but it was all too big(plus stolen), and the extra baggage fee was too much. so i had the plane dropped it all. sorry my friends.

and the parents pose, with the snowy hut and all. all these modern clothing was so outta place.

everyone was a bit tipsy as we yamsenged our wine-ginseng chicken. look at my ahgong's beet-red face!

my bro looks muchhh better without the harry potter eyewear. this is before the totally rude display to our guide by us.

my cousin's and brother's hard work. 2 round snowballs. now ive learnt how to make them!! you got to compress the snow long enough for the shape to stay.

we're running back to singapore! thud thud goes the shoes on the snow.

mommy! on Nu Ren Jie. this shopping street was near to some rich girls' schools and so almost everything was girly girly girly.

ahhh. christmas decorations!! actually there's a big stage being set up beside me that's supposed to have teenagers come up and perform. it's a tradition every weekend.

the roasted ginseng chicken we brought back to our hotel room! along with roasted sweet potatoes, baked pastries and bananas. wadafeast!

the last hotel we stayed in was uber-cool! there was a sauna with six water jets in one room and a whirlpool jacuzzi in the other.

AND there was a vending machine in each room. HOW COOL IS THAT?? it sold everything, from roasted butter squid, to erm. glow-in-the-dark condoms. (im not making it up.)

this was the last shopping stop all tour groups made before going to the airport. and so everyone felt obliged to bring awayy as many korean goods as possible, hence the need to box up everything. we were freezing there. because it was still in the negative tens, but our winter coats were all boxed up since we wouldnt be needing them in the airplane. BRrrr.

final shot in Seoul Airport.
wooohh. 3:26AM! mighty tiring entry to make, especially since internet explorer hung halfway, and i had to redo. drats. but its all done!! :) with the truckload of photos, the money spent seems worth it now.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:22 AM.