Saturday, October 29, 2005
anyway, it just struck me today.
just that day, sherwin said, (im beginnin to quote a lot.) that actually we shouldnt look forward to the end of As, because thats when nobody can do anything to their grades and like, everything's final by then.
BUT. you know, its actually because we cant do anything about our grades, and all that finality, that we are able to free ourselves and PLAY.
uh yar.
im so bored now. kinda had fever from yesterday but its faded. so all's good.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:33 PM.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
just so i dont revive that anger in me everytime i visit my blog. yar lar yar lar. the hits are more than half mine. hahah. anything to make me happy.
di said "ok night excited girl."
right. i am excited. thats my default mood now. and at occasional times, i feel even more excited. hhaha. shit, dont make sense. anyway. i keep having sudden images of all the playing after As.
04S12 frolicking near the beach. me barbequeing honey chicken wings at some resort. pillowfights in the prom hotel rooms. mall-hopping for beautiful prom dresses. many many happy dinners with family.SO HAPPY.
its almost worth it, As that is. to receive the prize at the end.
actually, i dont work that hard for grades. (and yar. im not clever or anything. so that equates to having bad grades. karma.) so i cant complain, the holidays are a plus really. Oh, the only (arghh. what's the word.) is that the guys will have to leave for NS. Yiqiao's erhem's leaving in April 2006. she's soooo lucky! no fair. hmm.
i just dont want to do that badly till my parents and my grandma are so damn disappointed in me. of course, i dont even want to do badly at all. but if i cant have that.
a lot of weird stuffs has been happening to me. but its too lengthy for lazy me to want to write about it. BUT its pretty interesting. so yar. at this point, you should be interested if i had written it down. hhhah. shoo readers. this is a crazy woman's blog.
ahs. there's this small bump on my back where an insect (a big ant?) had bitten me a few days before. i had to pinch the insect away from my skin myself! that was utterly gross. screamed, what else. but my screams are so ungirly. its like a long male grunt really, just like my laughter's actually a pair of honking tuts played one after another. now, im disgusted with myself. anyway, i detest touching insects of any sorts. seriously, INSECT-LOVERS, you guys are out of your minds. who loves touching insects? except for horny he-insects that is. hahha.
thats about the dirtiest my writing can get.
hhah. i think everyone should write haha as hahahha. like, there should be repeated Hs or As somewhere. i mean, if you really think whatever someone said is funny, (as for my case, its what i myself say. im a moron.) you would be shaking with laughter, trembling at the least. so you cant exactly type properly, and there you've got all that spellos.
i wanna join in the subaru challenge! sounds interesting doesnt it. but it'll prolly clash with my examinations. not that im clear of the details. crap. i dont wanna end here. its boring.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:27 PM.
okayyy. im PISSED.
im not going near guys no more. okay. shadnt generalise.
but you're the worst kind of childish man ever. all those lies you spin, the sweet letters and shit. you manage to spoil it all. totally. thanks reallly. im so glad things didnt work out. SO GLAD.
and that girl. you are making the right choice. stick with it.
i might just burn everything. or maybe i shouldnt bother.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:59 PM.
Thursday, October 20, 2005

farewell assembly has come and gone. thankfully, and weirdly enough. didnt see any red eyes or tear-streaked faces in the whole year two cohort. ohwells. that doesnt mean we dont love each other, at least not for me.
at this very point of time, wo shi ai S12 de.
lets just hope missing people arent as hard as they make out to be.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:49 PM.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
i have the aircon running. its been a long time, forgot when i made myself give up the comforts of airconditioning, and bask in the slight wind. its also been a long time, since the last time i lugged my mattress to my parents' room. ahh.
i have to forget, or rather stop imagining that this is my holiday. goshh. it is NOT my holiday. wake up jocelyn.
ohh. and i am soo dreading the one-to-one session with Mr Lee. he is so gonna kill me, despite the fact that ive owned up to him about making lots of horrid mistakes. but still. he'll flip when he sees how ive drawn my AE curves inverted the wrong way. oh wells. better me making the mistake now than at As.
groove with the music.. groove. lallalalala.
oh yar! finally remembered why im blogging.
just yesterday, there was this really nice NJ girl who smiled at me real nice, when i gave up my toilet cubicle to her. hahah. this is how deprived i am of smiles.
and on my way home, i was so lucky to board a bus which a certain very sweet Nanyang girl was on. i asked her for small change for a $5 note, and she said she didnt have, but handed me a fifty cent coin and asked me to take it. That was soooo sweet! so i thanked her profusely. three times in fact. hehhh. but im glad i did, was really appreciative.
yepp. im counting my blessings.

can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 11:56 PM.
we are playful lasses. cant help it. it seeps in our blood.
hmmm. really proud that at least, we sat down for like, at least 4 hours to do Math in the study room. in the 48 hours we have. but still. hehhh.
the fun stuff! we swam! hahha. and i did a stunt! hahha. sorry that it took damn long for me to go through with it. i didnt know why i was so scared of falling backwards into the water. but i guess it was an inborn thing. to be afraid of falling. you grab wildly the instant you feel yourself lose contact with the ground. i cant help it.
and we did lotsa ballet stuff. hahhaha. and marching. gerbalum bosen! lub lub lub right lub. hahah. i remember, mabel. and we probably covered a few kilometres running up and down the walkway, practising our jump splits.
and fooooood. there was a lot of it in di's house. and the quality rocks too. black pepper sausages, grilled chicken wings, hot chocolate drinks, banana nut crunch cornflakes, juicy juicy fruits.. the list goes on. Ahnie, ( i have no idea how to spell her name. She's like the head maid in di's house.)terima kasih!
laughter was everpresent through out the two days. even late in midnight, there was something to crack us up with. hahha. musta scared the grandma out of her wits.
woohooo. slumber camp's over. and im terribly tired. good night.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:58 PM.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
the screen is so white there must be something wrong.
anyway, its been a forage through the past these few days. like the blogs, the tags. the loong talk at Currywok with Di about our pasts (happy and sad). of course, how can i ever forget, the memories of them all. Those that really matter always remain sharp eh, through the sands of time.
ahh. my heart my poor heart. i dont want you to ache no more, so do help me out here too okay?
slumber party tomorrow. hahha.
was approached by an author yesterday at Lido. when me mab and di were all still recovering from the excessive exposure to J.Alba's buns. hahha. ahhem. anyway, the author, didnt exactly look like one at first. definitely didnt look artsy, and i would have betted he was in the science stream all his life if i didnt know better. (okayy. but science students can still turn out to be writers. and he DID say his previous book was on plants. so yarr. haah.) The author (oh, i thought he bore an uncanny resemblance to Mr Ong.) asked for our views on guys. "What do you find really irritating in a guy?" "Any advice you would give to a girl who's about to enter a relationship?" blah blahh.
Guessed Lady Luck wasnt shining on him for him to have zeroed in on a group of pure singles. (always-been-singles.) hahha. we still delivered our
shit(there. your daily dose, shiqin. :) ) to him, making personal references to certain boys sometimes. (looks at mab and di.)
oh crap. just remembered. my handphone is dead. cracked, dropped, scratched. The plummet to the ground in school that day was probably the straw. the last one. hahhaha. yar shiqin. u saw it fall too, you saw how i couldnt save it. boooohooo.
so my simcard is now in my mom's phone. but it feels rather foreign. i can still feel the slight pang, note : slight but not insignificant, when i whip out my phone to snap away at stuffs. only to remember all over again the horrid fact.
i may just get the same phone again. if my dad agrees to get me one that is.
my wound is hardening and new skin forms over the bloody mess. been working at my scabs, and one gash has been removed.
soon, there'll be no more signs of the wound, and i wouldnt have to be jolted back to that day whenever i look at it.

bye bye you.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:31 AM.
and it feels like no time has passed since school has ended. mab and di just stepped out of my house. woah. amazing. it seriously feels like we had boarded 852 only moments before.
hehh. fun times passes quick.
ooo. grouchy results. hahha. results that would make students grouchy that is. glum rather. ive got them. as in, the results, not so much of the gloom though.
i half-hoped you didnt say that, then i wouldnt need to reminisce and feel sad.
-a frown is so unpretty. remember that.
dum dee dum.
superman batman spiderman! spiderman! hahhaha. stupid game.
lets hope mab and di makes it back in time for Top Model!! :)
hahhaha. there's something wrong with me, no part of me registers the fact that the big A has arrived.
Golly shit. wake up girll! and go do some math, econs, physics!! NOW!
ohwells. after the top model. hahha.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 9:56 PM.