i hate your guts. really. someone has to veto what you say sometimes. its not funny, especially not when the words are filled with such catty meaness.
been reading a lot of general paper essays lately. totally blown away by the student-writers' vocabulary. like, Whoa. there was hardly any time in between me checking up a word, before coming across the next never-seen word.
hitherto. palliative. punitive. ramification. secular. carnage. repercussion. just a little revision before i sit for the general paper PRELIMINARY examinations tomorrow. hahah. didnt mean to freak you out.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 12:26 PM.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
couples are EVERYWHERE. save the singles.
yep. thats what i noticed on the way outta the coldd school library, to oldchangkee, to swensens at plazasingapura, on the long train ride home.
everywhere. hugging, kissing, making out, holding hands. you name it, they'll do it.
sheesh. it gets kinda depressing. like, on what im missing out on. the bliss they're feeling is written all over their love-smitten faces.
anyway, swensen's has a
SUNDAE DEAL going now for $4. you could get Temptations, Carfeit(actually i cant remember the names, so prolly got them all wrong.), Supersundae. A LOT. just go feast your eyes on the menu. me diana and mabel spent a lonng long time just reading and re-reading the captions. CHOCOLATE BALLS! we didnt manage to get them in the end. booo.
you know. the school library's really a pretty good place to study and do schoolwork. its all quiet, (when there's no construction going on), snugly (ONLY, when you've got a jacket warmly wrapped around yourself.) and roomy. so head on over there. ok, maybe not. it might not be very roomy if word gets around. (yar yar. stupid joce. like people dont know about the lib yet. and as if, there are enough people reading this to let word get around.)
If you cant speak English well, or cant speak understandable English, then PLEASE do not work as NKF health screening helpers. just today, i had my health screening. got my finger pricked and all. it went rather well. the only flaw is, you can barely understand what they say. like, this lady (most likely from China), will be saying, "see, you've got bluakdlagrdjghuh so its duhdguhdnh." repeats like this for a couple of times, and smiles. even if she was telling me my heart was failing and the stretcher was on its way now, i wouldnt be able to know. gee. all i could do was nod and smile back.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 10:16 PM.
is there any lozenges out there which really work huh? strepsils, hacks. they do nothing except occupying my mouth! booo.
i say chuanbeipipagao is still the best.
yayy. my mom just fed me this sweet drink, which is soothing my itchy like hell throat.
poor mabel. we will check for you tml ok? if not, we'll go with you. dont be scared girl. :)
i cant sleep at night. i just lay in bed, feeling myself so near to falling asleep, and then there will be this huge cough bubbling up from my throat, and that will disrupt it all. and ill have to start all over again to fall asleep. its baddd.
the song playing, is by hohweijian. mm. his girlfriend is one lucky lucky girl! (actually we never know. hmm.)
voting of Prom queen and king has commenced!
wheeee. i think im pretty sure of who i wanna vote, but aint got it down in writing yet.
actually, is it supposed to be a superficial contest? hmmm. but you need renqi to garner votes from your school friends. so maybe not. but like di said, its pretty much already decided who's going to win. much as i hate to admit it, its not like NJC's swarming with goodlooking people waiting to be scouted. the better-lookers have more or less been the 'louder' ones. or rather the more popular ones. or maybe, i just need to look around more.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 7:09 PM.
hmmph. im so behind on my homework ive lost track of what i have to do. it aint easy. (not that ive tried hard enough) to juggle my headaches, throatache and school.
okayyy. this is gonna sound stupid because i am going to write about friday where i met up with friends. so it seems like i actually could have used the time more wisely. alright. im blabbering.
actually. im too tired to write.
booo. basically i met up with grace, taiyi and yiqiao. we had funnn!
and grace and taiyi, i bestow upon you two the title, SHOPPING QUEENS. yes. you two are undefeatable.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 6:11 PM.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
i wished i had a nightview like that from my house too. behold the magnificient yishun lake!

so many guys in the family. its no wonder im dumped with the role of photographer whilst the boys play.

beyond the blue police-lines, fireworks are on the verge of being set off. thats why its really empty. everywhere else is teeming with people.

hee. the national day chair from indonesia.

nothing can prise my two cousins off their phones. esp my biaodi. man. too much chatting on the phone aint good fer ya, even if it's bonding with your girlfriend.

lying on the grass, looking up at the smattering of fireworks just above us. (i must say the photos do no justice to them.)

There's a reason to why they're called FIREworks.

the fireworks started with a HUGE bang just in front of us. we were so darn near the tree!

finally one that vaguely resembles a firework. (do they come in singular form?)

the roads were all taped off and everyone was pooped after the grand fireworks and catchin of Twins live on stage. the whole mob in yishun was literally enclosed by all the police-tape.

all you have to do is seat us at some restaurant table and we'll be more than willing to smile for the camera.

food is always a welcome sight after being held captive for several hours.

darnit. i think the posts are a lil too frequent. okayy.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 2:35 PM.
ahhh. shall let photos do the story-telling this time. taking a feather outta di's book. hahha. who uses stuffs like this now. bleugh.
the mohawk kid! we were startin the day early. and hordes of kids were being driven to njc.
then we headed over to causewaypoint. lunch at foodcourt! me, mab, di, shiqin, crystal, vincent, seehoo, junhao, wilson.
camped outside cinema-area and had a mini-meeting on where we were heading to next.
ahh. it was decided that we're heading to vincent's house. 3 happy kids with blackandwhite kfc icecreams at woodlands bus interchange.
this is the rowdier crowd of gamblers. playing in-between. and screaming and laughing their hearts out.
here we've got a quieter bunch. sneaky gamblers plus one who has his eyes glued to the tv set. dang. 10minutes ice cream time. what could be a dumber programme.
shiqin's immersed in her camera-taking. (btw, thanks a lot for that headache tip man! i think it kinda helped. :) ) and look at what di and mab are up to in the background. gosh. thats funny. so they arent as good friends as we thought. ahhhh. a little sneaky tussle with the yellow cushy gave it all away.
hahha. i can never see what's so funny about video games. but THEY do.
woah. a successful photo finally. by asking a passerby for help. at vincent's block. we were all carrying slingbags! 'cept wilson and vincent though. but ALMOST.
im so glad the pent-up anger ive been feeling from a few days ago has seemed to subside. im a happier person now. and a nicer person to be with. i wish someone had videoed me at the board that time though. dont mind seeing how i had looked, pissed with the world.
plus. ive found new meaning in the song. 'dont sway.' it means 'dont SUAY' to me now. ive been so bloody (as mr lee would say) down on my luck, it hardly surprises me anymore. i had foodstuffs poured all over me on the exact same spot on my sofa, RIGHT after ive showered and changed into new clothes. that happened THREE times. sucked.

thats my kid KENNETH!! actually i wouldnt say he's reallly cute. but kinda lar. beside he was the bestlooking of the lot. that explains why me and huiboon went gaga over him. and shiqin too! ahhahha. that's his hand in the picture! he loves that pose. the shutter will go click and his hand will shoot up immediately in that twist! -grin. oh ohh! and i did friend-kiss to him a couple times. you know what. this is really embarrassing but i thought it was thank-kiss at that time. but oh welll. he understood and sent me many flying kisses. arhhh. soo cute. that red cap in the photo covers up his baby. as he called the tiny yellow balloon i gave him. i sneakily put him a yupi gummy (courtesy of shiqin!) into the balloon. oh. the glum faces me and boon wore when all the kids had to leave in the buses. boooooo.
mighty long entry. yayy. to appease my four readers.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 1:07 AM.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
i know this will sound really offensive to some of you out there because of your religions. but its just MY random thought. so.
you say you're happy when you think about being reunited in heaven, about going up to heaven. as in, u're genuinely happy, genuinely believing it all.
the second before you close your eyes and succumb to death, you think, "Holy place, here i come." you think about white fluffy clouds, smiling angels bobbing around, a great god welcoming you.
i wonder what will happen
when only a
space awaits you
for eternity.
can you hear the soft swoosh of the butterflies' wings. 5:49 AM.